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import badge import ugfx from random import randrange import time import sys class Food: def __init__(self,x,y): self.pos_x = x self.pos_y = y def create_random_food(snake): x,y = randrange(10,270,5),randrange(10,110,5) # not in extreme corners if(Food.hits_snake(snake,x,y) == True): Food.create_random_food(snake) food = Food(x,y) ugfx.fill_polygon(x, y, [[10,5],[10,10],[5,10],[5,5]], ugfx.BLACK) return food def hits_snake(snake,x,y): for i,j in snake.snake_body: if(x == i and y == j): return True return False class Border: def __init__(self,min_x=0,min_y=0,max_x=294,max_y=128): self.min_x = min_x self.min_y = min_y self.max_x = max_x self.max_y = max_y self.draw_border() def draw_border(self):, 5, 287, 120, ugfx.BLACK) class Game: def __init__(self,snake,border,food): self.snake = snake self.border = border self.steps = 0 = food self.game_state = "INIT" def increment(self): self.steps +=1 def do_game(self): try: if(self.snake.hits_self() or self.snake.hits_border(self.border)): self.game_state = "FAIL" return if(self.snake.can_hit_target == True): for i in if(self.snake.hits_food(i)): self.snake.length +=2 self.snake.increase_speed() self.snake.renderer.clear_square(i.pos_x,i.pos_y) self.snake.can_hit_target = False self.snake.score += 1 print("Target Hit!!!!") if(self.snake.hits_any_food( == True and self.snake.can_hit_target == False): self.snake.render_snake() else: self.snake.can_hit_target = True self.snake.render_snake() except TypeError as err: print(err) print(self) def run_step(self,step_size): self.increment() if(self.snake.started == True and self.snake.should_render(self.steps)): self.snake.move(step_size) self.do_game() ugfx.flush() class Renderer: def render_square(self,pointx,pointy): ugfx.fill_polygon(pointx, pointy, [[10,5],[10,10],[5,10],[5,5]], ugfx.BLACK) def clear_square(self,pointx,pointy): ugfx.fill_polygon(pointx, pointy, [[10,5],[10,10],[5,10],[5,5]], ugfx.WHITE) class Snake: def __init__(self, started,renderer): self.started = started self.pointx = 10 self.pointy = 10 self.direction = "RIGHT" self.speed = 1000 self.length = 5 self.snake_body = [] self.can_hit_target = True self.score = 0 self.renderer = renderer def should_render(self,steps): return steps % self.speed == 0 def hits_food(self,food): abspointx = abs(self.pointx) abspointy = abs(self.pointy) absfoodx = abs(food.pos_x) absfoody = abs(food.pos_y) abs_x_diff = abs(abspointx - absfoodx) abs_y_diff = abs(abspointy - absfoody) return abs_x_diff < 5 and abs_y_diff < 5 def hits_any_food(self,food_iter): for i in food_iter: if(self.hits_food(i)): return True return False def move(self,move_size): if(self.direction == "LEFT"): self.pointx -= move_size if(self.direction == "RIGHT"): self.pointx += move_size if(self.direction == "UP"): self.pointy -= move_size if(self.direction == "DOWN"): self.pointy += move_size def increase_speed(self): if(self.speed <= 10): self.speed = 10 else: self.speed -= 10 def render_snake(self): # checkif the move buffer is above the length of the snake if(len(self.snake_body) > self.length): difference = len(self.snake_body) - self.length render_targets_to_remove = self.snake_body[:difference] # render the tail as white and remove from snake pos list for i,j in render_targets_to_remove: self.renderer.clear_square(i,j) self.snake_body.pop(0) self.snake_body.append([self.pointx,self.pointy]) self.renderer.render_square(self.pointx,self.pointy) def hits_border(self,border): foul_left = self.pointx <= border.min_x foul_right = self.pointx >= border.max_x foul_top = self.pointy <= border.min_y foul_bottom = self.pointy >= border.max_y hits = foul_left or foul_right or foul_top or foul_bottom # print(hits) return hits def hits_self(self): # checks whether the next step would hit the existing area for x,y in self.snake_body: abspointx = abs(self.pointx) abstargetx = abs(x) abspointy = abs(self.pointy) abstargety = abs(y) absxdiff = abs(abspointx - abstargetx) absydiff = abs(abspointy - abstargety) hits = (absxdiff == 0) and (absydiff == 0) if(hits == True): return True return False def up(pressed,this_game): if(pressed == True and this_game.snake.direction != "UP" and this_game.snake.direction != "DOWN" ): this_game.snake.direction = "UP" def down(pressed,this_game): if(pressed == True and this_game.snake.direction != "DOWN" and this_game.snake.direction != "UP" ): this_game.snake.direction = "DOWN" def left(pressed, this_game): if(pressed == True and this_game.snake.direction != "LEFT" and this_game.snake.direction != "RIGHT"): this_game.snake.direction = "LEFT" def right(pressed,this_game): if(pressed == True and this_game.snake.direction != "RIGHT" and this_game.snake.direction != "LEFT"): this_game.snake.direction = "RIGHT" def exit_game(pressed,this_game): if(pressed == True): sys.exit(0) def FailGame(this_game): ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(20,50,"Game Over - Score: {}".format(this_game.snake.score),"PermanentMarker22",ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() time.sleep(5) sys.exit(0) def Step(this_game,step_size): this_game.run_step(step_size) def run_game(): badge.eink_init() ugfx.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() badge.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.input_init() ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, lambda pressed: up(pressed,this_game)) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, lambda pressed: down(pressed,this_game)) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, lambda pressed: left(pressed,this_game)) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, lambda pressed: right(pressed,this_game)) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_SELECT, lambda pressed: exit_game(pressed,this_game)) ugfx.string(50,50,"Snake Game","PermanentMarker22",ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(50,72,"press SELECT to exit","Roboto_Regular18",ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() time.sleep(5) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() snake = Snake(True,Renderer()) this_game = Game(snake,Border(),[Food.create_random_food(snake)]) ugfx.flush() print("Start Log") while True: if(this_game.game_state == "FAIL"): FailGame(this_game) Step(this_game,5) try: run_game() except Exception as e: print(e) # how to make this run with multiple snakes???? # move position of target out of the snake and represent with a diff class # each round consider the renders, plus look at the buffers to see whether one snake kills another # how can this be done over a network??? tcp socket??