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import ugfx, wifi, appglue, badge, json import urequests as requests import utime as time api_key = "5af1beca494712ed38d313714d4caff6" query_url_name = "" #for station names query_url_id = "" #for station ids departure_url = "" departure_url_postfix = "?footway=0" product = {'u': 'U', 's': 'S', 't':'', 'b':''} timezone_offset = - 7200 def make_timedelta_tuple(timedelta_int): print (timedelta_int) t_tuple = time.localtime(timedelta_int) differences = (1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0) timedelta = [] for delta, dif in zip(t_tuple, differences): timedelta.append(delta - dif) return timedelta def truncate_timedelta_text(timedelta_tuple): s = [] units = ('y', 'm', 'd', 'h', 'min', 'sec') for delta, unit in zip(timedelta_tuple, units): if abs(delta) > 0: s.append(str(abs(delta)) + unit) return ' '.join(s[:2]) def generate_timedelta_text(start): now = time.time() + timezone_offset delta = start - now t = make_timedelta_tuple(delta) time_text = truncate_timedelta_text(t) time_text def fancy_product(raw): try: return product[raw] except: return '' def _perform_api_request(url): resp = requests.get(url, headers={'X-MVG-Authorization-Key': api_key}) return resp.json() def get_id_for_station(station_name): station = get_stations(station_name)[0] return station['id'] def get_locations(query): try: query = int(query) # converts station ids to int if thay aren't already except(ValueError): # happens if it is a station name url = query_url_name + query else: # happens if it is a station id url = query_url_id + str(query) results = _perform_api_request(url) return results["locations"] def get_stations(station): """Like :func:`.get_locations`, but filters out all results which are not stations. """ results = get_locations(station) stations = [] for result in results: if result['type'] == 'station': stations.append(result) return stations class Station: def __init__(self, station): if isinstance(station, str): self.station_id = get_id_for_station(station) if self.station_id is None: raise NameError("No matching station found") elif isinstance(station, int): self.station_id = station else: raise ValueError("Please provide a Station Name or ID") = get_stations(self.station_id)[0]['name'] def get_departures(self): """Get the next departures for `station_id`. To get the `station_id` associated with a station name, use :func:`get_id_for_station`. Returns a list like:: [ { 'departureTimeMinutes': 0, 'destination': 'Laimer Platz', 'sev': False, 'departureId': 1188266868, 'live': True, 'departureTime': 1478644495000, 'lineBackgroundColor': '#b78730', 'label': '5', 'product': 'u' }, ] `departureTimeMinutes`, the time left to the departure in minutes, is added to the response from the api for your convenience. """ url = departure_url + str(self.station_id) + departure_url_postfix departures = _perform_api_request(url)['departures'] for departure in departures: timestamp = int(departure['departureTime']) / 1000 relative_time = timestamp - time.time() departure[u'departureTimeMinutes'] = int(relative_time) + 120*60 return departures ugfx.init() ugfx.LUT_FULL ugfx.input_init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() # Make sure WiFi is connected wifi.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE); ugfx.string(10,10,"Waiting for wifi...","Roboto_Regular12", 0) ugfx.flush() # Wait for WiFi connection while not wifi.sta_if.isconnected(): time.sleep(0.1) pass ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE); ugfx.flush() station_raw = 5 station = Station(station_raw) def main(): print ("updating") ugfx.string(0,0,".","Roboto_Regular12", 0) ugfx.flush() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE);, 0, 296, 24, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(1, 0,, "PermanentMarker22", ugfx.BLACK) departures = station.get_departures() c = 0 for departure in departures: line = 25+c*13 ugfx.string_box(1,line,30,13, fancy_product(departure['product'])+departure['label'], "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.string_box(30,line,236,13, departure['destination'], "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.string_box(266,line,30,13, generate_timedelta_text(departure['departureTime']), "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyRight) c += 1 if c > 8: return ugfx.flush() time.sleep(20) def go_home(pushed): if pushed: appglue.home() ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, go_home) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE); ugfx.flush() while True: main()