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import ugfx, uos as os, appglue def populate_it(): global options options = ugfx.List(0, 0, int(ugfx.width() / 2), ugfx.height()) load_path() def load_path(): global path print("Loading path: " + path) while options.count() > 0: options.remove_item(0) try: files = os.listdir(path) except OSError: files = [] if path != '/': options.add_item('..') for file in files: options.add_item(file) ugfx.flush() def enter_directory(pushed): global path if pushed: selected = options.selected_text() print(selected) if selected == '..': dir_up() else: new_path = path.rstrip('/') + '/' + selected if is_dir(new_path): path = new_path load_path() def open_selectbox(pushed): global path if pushed: selected = path + options.selected_text() print("SELECTBOX: " + selected) pass def dir_up(): global path if path == '/': return print("Going up a directory") split_path = path.strip('/').split('/') path = '/' + '/'.join(split_path[:-1]) load_path() def is_file(file): # uos.stat(file)[0] & __S_IFMT == __S_IFREG return os.stat(file)[0] & 0o170000 == 0o100000 def is_dir(file): # uos.stat(file)[0] & __S_IFMT == __S_IFDIR return os.stat(file)[0] & 0o170000 == 0o040000 def exit_directory(pushed): if pushed: selected = options.selected_text() print(selected) dir_up() ugfx.input_init() ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.LUT_FASTER) ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() ugfx.string_box(148, 0, 148, 26, "STILL", "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) ugfx.string_box(148, 23, 148, 23, "Filemanager", "PermanentMarker22", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) ugfx.string_box(148, 48, 148, 26, "Anyway", "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) # the line under the text str_len = ugfx.get_string_width("Hacking", "PermanentMarker22") line_begin = 148 + int((148 - str_len) / 2) line_end = str_len + line_begin ugfx.line(line_begin, 46, line_end, 46, ugfx.BLACK) # the cursor past the text cursor_pos = line_end + 5 ugfx.line(cursor_pos, 22, cursor_pos, 44, ugfx.BLACK) # Instructions ugfx.line(148, 78, 296, 78, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string_box(148, 78, 148, 18, " A: Enter dir", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.string_box(148, 78, 148, 18, " B: Exit dir", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyRight) ugfx.string_box(148, 92, 148, 18, " SELECT: Actions", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.line(148, 110, 296, 110, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string_box(148, 110, 148, 18, " " + "by TransIP", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) # ugfx.flush() options = None install_path = None path = '/' populate_it() ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, enter_directory) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_SELECT, open_selectbox) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, lambda pushed: ugfx.flush() if pushed else 0) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, lambda pushed: ugfx.flush() if pushed else 0) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, exit_directory) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_START, lambda pushed: appglue.home() if pushed else 0) ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_FULL)