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Pong Controller
MCH2022 badge?
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import badge import ugfx import appglue import socket import wifi import easydraw import woezel import easywifi from time import sleep import urequests as requests rev = "rev. 56" UDP_PORT = 5555 player = "" def get_host(): data = requests.get('') UDP_HOST = data.text return UDP_HOST def check_wifi(): easywifi.enable(True) if easywifi.state==False: easydraw.msg("Meh unable to connect to network","FAILURE") easydraw.msg("Waiting 5 seconds to try again!") badge.eink_busy_wait() import machine machine.deepsleep(5000) def check_update(): easydraw.msg("Checking for updates", "Still Updating Anyway...", True) try: woezel.install('pong_controller') easydraw.msg("Updated! Rebooting now!") badge.nvs_set_str('boot','splash','pong_controller') badge.eink_busy_wait() import machine machine.deepsleep(1) except: easydraw.msg("No update available. Starting app!") badge.nvs_set_str('boot','splash','splash') def home(pushed): if(pushed): print("go home") appglue.home() def reset(pushed): global player if((pushed) and (player)): print("reset", player) command = "none" sendCommand(s, player, command) player = "" clean() screen(player) ugfx.flush() badge.leds_disable() def player1(pushed): global player if((pushed) and not (player)): print("join game as player1") command = "left" player = "player1" clean() screen("Player 1") ugfx.flush() badge.leds_enable() badge.leds_send_data(bytes([0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0])) sendCommand(s, player, command) elif((pushed) and player == 'player1'): print("re-join games as player1") command = "left" player = "player1" sendCommand(s, player, command) else: print("game already joined") def player2(pushed): global player if((pushed) and not (player)): print("join game as player2") command = "left" player = "player2" clean() screen("Player 2") ugfx.flush() badge.leds_enable() badge.leds_send_data(bytes([5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0])) sendCommand(s, player, command) elif((pushed) and player == 'player2'): print("re-join games as player2") command = "left" player = "player2" sendCommand(s, player, command) else: print("game already joined") def up(pushed): if((pushed) and (player)): print(player, "up") command = "down" sendCommand(s, player, command) sleep(.2) sendCommand(s, player, "none") else: print("player not set") def down(pushed): if((pushed) and (player)): print(player, "down") command = "up" sendCommand(s, player, command) sleep(.2) sendCommand(s, player, "none") else: print("player not set") def left(pushed): global player if((pushed) and (player)): print(player, "left") command = "left" sendCommand(s, player, command) else: print("player not set") def right(pushed): global player if((pushed) and (player)): print(player, "right") command = "none" sendCommand(s, player, command) player = "" clean() screen(player) ugfx.flush() badge.leds_disable() else: print("player not set") def sendCommand(s, player_id, command): s.sendto(bytearray([ord(x) for x in player_id] + [ord(" ")] + [ord(x) for x in command.upper()]), (UDP_HOST,UDP_PORT)) def clean(): ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() def screen(player_name): ugfx.string(10, 5, "Host: " + UDP_HOST, "Roboto_Regular12",ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(50, 20, player_name ,"Roboto_Regular16",ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(190,25,"STILL","Roboto_BlackItalic24",ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(190,50,"Pong","PermanentMarker22",ugfx.BLACK) len = ugfx.get_string_width("Pong","PermanentMarker22") ugfx.line(190, 72, 204 + len, 72, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.line(200 + len, 52, 200 + len, 70, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(180,75,"Anyway","Roboto_BlackItalic24",ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(10, 110, "SELECT: exit, START: reset, A: P1, B: P2, U/D","Roboto_Regular12",ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(255, 115, rev ,"Roboto_Regular12",ugfx.BLACK) try: badge.eink_png(10,40,'/lib/pong_controller/shrug.png') except: ugfx.string(30,50,"Error loading shrug.png","Roboto_Regular16",ugfx.BLACK) badge.init() badge.leds_init() ugfx.init() ugfx.input_init() ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.LUT_NORMAL) clean() check_wifi() clean() check_update() clean() UDP_HOST = get_host() screen(player) ugfx.flush() s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_SELECT, home) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_START, reset) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, player1) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, player2) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, up) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, down) #ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, left) #ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, right)