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MCH2022 badge?
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# Requires latest git pull submodule sync magic to actually work! import badge, easywifi, ugfx, gc, easydraw, woezel easydraw.msg("Hi, my name is: " + badge.nvs_get_str("owner","name")) easywifi.enable(True) if easywifi.state==False: easydraw.msg("Meh unable to connect to network","FAILURE") easydraw.msg("Waiting 5 seconds to try again!") badge.eink_busy_wait() import machine machine.deepsleep(5000) easydraw.msg("Checking for updates") try: woezel.install('wiki_infotag') easydraw.msg("Updated! Rebooting now!") badge.eink_busy_wait() import machine machine.deepsleep(1) except: easydraw.msg("No update available. Starting app!") easydraw.msg("Requesting "+ badge.nvs_get_str("wiki", "page", "Gallerij") + " page") import urequests as requests data = requests.get(badge.nvs_get_str("wiki", "url", "") + "/api.php?action=parse&format=json&prop=wikitext&disableeditsection&disabletoc&disablelimitreport&page=" + badge.nvs_get_str("wiki","page","Gallerij")) content=data.json()['parse']['wikitext']['*'].split("\n")[:] data.close() easydraw.msg("Data in, processing") gc.collect() indexteller=0 offsetlijst=[] imagenaam ='' projectnaam='' maker = '' omschrijving = '' datum = '' identiteit = 0 # lets find all the Heading 1 topics, we use those to split info for x in range(0, len(content)-1): if len(content[x].split("=")) == 3: # 5 for heading 2 and 7 for heading 3 offsetlijst.append(x) gc.collect() offsetlijst.append(len(content)) # Now we find if our nickname matches one of the header 1 topics for x in range(0, len(offsetlijst)-1): if content[offsetlijst[x]].split("=")[1] == badge.nvs_get_str("owner","name"): identiteit = x easydraw.msg("Found info for me to display!") gc.collect() # Lets parse the information we selected for x in range(offsetlijst[identiteit]+1, offsetlijst[identiteit+1]): print(content[x]) if len(content[x].split("[[File:")) == 2: imagenaam = content[x].split("[[File:")[1].split("]]")[0] if len(content[x].split("=")) == 7: projectnaam = content[x].split("=")[3] if len(content[x].split("Maker: ")) == 2: maker = content[x].split("Maker: ")[1] if len(content[x].split("Omschrijving: ")) == 2: omschrijving = content[x].split("Omschrijving: ")[1] if len(content[x].split("Datum: ")) == 2: datum = content[x].split("Datum: ")[1] gc.collect() if imagenaam != '': easydraw.msg("Downloading image...") gc.collect() data=requests.get(badge.nvs_get_str("wiki","url","")+"/Special:Filepath/"+imagenaam) gc.collect() png_data = data.content data.close() gc.collect() easydraw.msg("Ready to display!") ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.GREYSCALE) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) gc.collect() width,height,bitdepth,colortype=badge.eink_png_info(png_data) text = ugfx.Textbox(width,40, 296-width, 88) text.text(omschrijving) badge.eink_png(0, int((128-height)/2), png_data) ugfx.string_box(width,0,296-width,26, projectnaam, "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) ugfx.string_box(width, 26, 296-width, 14, datum + " " + maker, "pixelade13", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter),40, 296-width, 88, ugfx.WHITE) # ugly hack to remove ugly black box around textbox ugfx.line(width+4, 40, width+4, 128, ugfx.WHITE) # ugly hack to remove ugly cursor from textbox else: easydraw.msg("Ready to display!") ugfx.set_lut(ugfx.GREYSCALE) ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) text = ugfx.Textbox(0,40, 296, 88) text.text(omschrijving) ugfx.string_box(0,0,296,26, projectnaam, "Roboto_BlackItalic24", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) ugfx.string_box(0, 26, 296, 14, datum + " " + maker, "pixelade13", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter),40, 296, 88, ugfx.WHITE) # ugly hack to remove ugly black box around textbox ugfx.line(4, 40, 4, 128, ugfx.WHITE) # ugly hack to remove ugly cursor from textbox ugfx.flush() badge.eink_busy_wait() import machine machine.deepsleep(524288)