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# Service file for SHA2017 event program app # Renze Nicolai 2017 # Adjusted for NLUUG by rvs 2017 # FOR NEW API import machine, utime, ugfx, appglue, badge, easyrtc, time, machine # Prepare libs event_alarm = __import__('lib/nluug_schedule/event_alarm') # Global variables next_event_title = "" next_event_room = "" next_event_timestamp = 999999999999 def setup(): alarm_notify() def loop(): return alarm_notify()*1000 def draw(y): global next_event_title global next_event_timestamp global next_event_room pixels_used = 0 if (next_event_timestamp<999999999999): next_event_title_short = next_event_title [eY, eM, eD, ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore] = time.localtime(next_event_timestamp) [nY, nM, nD, ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore] = machine.RTC().datetime() showDate = True showTime = False print("DEBUG: "+str(eY)+"/"+str(nY)+" "+str(eM)+"/"+str(nM)+" "+str(eD)+"/"+str(nD)) if eY==nY and eM==nM and eD==nD: showDate = False showTime = True timestr = easyrtc.string(showDate, showTime, next_event_timestamp) if (len(next_event_title_short)>19): next_event_title_short = next_event_title_short[0:16]+"_" next_event_room_short = next_event_room if (len(next_event_room_short)>8): next_event_room_short = next_event_room_short[0:5]+"_" text = next_event_title_short+"' in "+next_event_room_short+" | "+timestr ypos = y-13 badge.eink_png(0,ypos,'/lib/nluug_schedule/icon.png') ugfx.string(41, ypos+1, text, "Roboto_Regular12",ugfx.BLACK) pixels_used = 14 return [60*1000, pixels_used] #Draw once per minute def alarm_notify(): global event_alarm global next_event_timestamp global next_event_title global next_event_room event_alarm.alarms_read() current_timestamp = utime.time() amount_of_alarms = len(event_alarm.alarms) for i in range(0, amount_of_alarms): alarm = event_alarm.alarms[i] c = int(alarm['timestamp']) - 10*60 #10 minutes before start if (c < current_timestamp): diff = c - current_timestamp print("[EVSCH] Alarm time reached for "+alarm['title']+" ("+str(diff)+")") appglue.start_app("nluug_schedule") else: countdown = abs(c - current_timestamp) print("[EVSCH] Alarm time will be reached in "+str(countdown)+" for "+alarm['title']) if next_event_timestamp>alarm['timestamp']: next_event_timestamp = alarm['timestamp'] next_event_title = alarm['title'] next_event_room = alarm['room'] print("[EVSCH] Alarm over "+str(countdown)+"s: "+alarm['title']+" in "+alarm['room']+" at "+str(next_event_timestamp)) wake_in = next_event_timestamp - current_timestamp - 10*60 - 1 if wake_in < 0: wake_in = 0 if not next_event_timestamp == 999999999999: if wake_in >= 86400: wake_in = 86400-1 # Sleep one full day print("[EVSCH] Lets check again in "+str(wake_in)+"s") return wake_in