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import easywifi import math import urequests import ugfx graph = __import__('lib/buienalarm/graph') SHA_LAT = 52.28 SHA_LON = 5.53 TS_WIDTH = 32 TS_HEIGHT = 14 BUIENRADAR_URL = '' % (SHA_LAT, SHA_LON) def _raw_to_mm(raw): raw = int(raw) if raw == 0: return 0.0 return 10 ** ((raw - 109) / 32) def get_downpour(): """Returns a table for the downpour over the next 2 hours. Return value is a list of pairs of the form ('hh:mm', millimeters) """ if not easywifi.status(): raise RuntimeError('WiFi is not connected') resp = urequests.get(BUIENRADAR_URL) data = [] for line in resp.text.splitlines(): rain, time = line.split('|') data.append((time, _raw_to_mm(rain))) return data def draw_rain_graph(x, y, width, height, scale=1.0, colour=ugfx.BLACK): """Draws a rain graph at the specified coordinates. Uses 14 pixels for the time, and then draws a graph across the full length of the specified area, capping values at (height / scale) - 14 millimeters """ try: downpour = [] retry = 0 while len(downpour) == 0 and retry < 10: downpour = get_downpour() retry += 1 if len(downpour) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Buienradar returned no data') except Exception as e: ugfx.string_box(x, y, width, height, str(e), "Roboto_Regular12", colour, ugfx.justifyCenter) return # How many timestmaps can we fit? num_items = len(downpour) period = math.ceil(num_items * 1.5 * TS_WIDTH / (width - TS_WIDTH)) sample_width = int(width / (num_items - 1)) text_y = y + height - TS_HEIGHT + 1 for i, item in enumerate(downpour): time, _ = item if i % period == 0: text_x = x + i * sample_width - ugfx.get_string_width(time, 'Roboto_Regular12') // 2 # Corner case: screen edge if text_x < 0: text_x = 0 elif text_x + TS_WIDTH > x + width: text_x = x + width - TS_WIDTH ugfx.string(text_x, text_y, time, "Roboto_Regular12", colour) ugfx.string(x + width - TS_WIDTH, text_y, downpour[-1][0], "Roboto_Regular12", colour) samples = [d[1] for d in downpour] if any(samples): graph.draw_graph(x, y, width, height - TS_HEIGHT, samples, scale, ugfx.BLACK) else: ugfx.string_box(x, y, width, height - TS_HEIGHT, 'No rain expected', 'Roboto_Regular12', ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter)