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import badge, easywifi, ugfx, gc, easydraw, deepsleep, time, math, machine import urequests as requests global appname appname = "Rainfall" global lat,lon,sleepReset sleepReset = machine.reset_cause() == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) if sleepReset: ugfx.string_box(0,0,ugfx.width(),15, "Loading...", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_FASTEST) else: ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_FULL) badge.eink_busy_wait() easydraw.msg("Welcome!", appname, True) easywifi.enable(not sleepReset) if easywifi.state==False: if not sleepReset: easydraw.msg("Unable to connect to network!","FAILURE") easydraw.msg("Waiting 5 seconds to try again!") badge.eink_busy_wait() import machine machine.deepsleep(5000) if not sleepReset: easydraw.msg("Checking for updates...") try: import woezel woezel.install('Rain') if not sleepReset: easydraw.msg("Updated! Restarting...") badge.eink_busy_wait() deepsleep.reboot() except: if not sleepReset: easydraw.msg("No updates available.") if (badge.nvs_get_str("regenval", "lat", "") == "") or (badge.nvs_get_str("regenval", "lon", "") == ""): if not sleepReset: easydraw.msg("No location set!", appname) easydraw.msg("Using lat/lon of Eindhoven", appname) easydraw.msg("Change: badge.nvs_get_str('regenval', 'lat', '[latitude]')", appname) easydraw.msg("and badge.nvs_get_str('regenval', 'lon', '[longitude]')", appname) time.sleep(5) lat = badge.nvs_get_str("regenval", "lat", "51.4416") lon = badge.nvs_get_str("regenval", "lon", "5.4697") if not sleepReset: easydraw.msg("Fetching data...", appname) # proxy because urequests doesn't support chunked transfer encoding # original url:[latitude]&lon=[longitude] data = requests.get("" + lat + "&lon=" + lon) content = data.text data.close() gc.collect() measurements = content.splitlines() # 8 bars, 32 pixels wide each with 5 pixel spacing # Roboto_Regular12: about 31px wide and 12px high for each time # ugfx.width() x ugfx.height(): 296 x 128 ugfx.set_default_font("Roboto_Regular12"); ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) if not sleepReset: ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_FULL) maxBarHeight = ugfx.height() - 17 ugfx.line(0, maxBarHeight + 1, ugfx.width(), maxBarHeight + 1, ugfx.BLACK) global rain rain = False for i in range(0,8): (curMeasurement, curTime) = measurements[i * 2].split('|') (nextMeasurement, nextTime) = measurements[i * 2 + 1].split('|') curMeasurement = int(curMeasurement) nextMeasurement = int(nextMeasurement) if nextMeasurement > curMeasurement: # display highest of two measurements within 10 minute interval curMeasurement = nextMeasurement if curMeasurement > 0: rain = True curMeasurement = 10 ** ((curMeasurement - 109) / 32) # convert to mm/h # print("%s: %f" % (curTime, curMeasurement)) # Scaling, range: 0 to 30 mm/h # height = int(round(maxBarHeight * curMeasurement / 30.0)) height = int(round(maxBarHeight * math.log10(curMeasurement + 1) / math.log10(31))) # simple logarithmic scale if height > maxBarHeight: height = maxBarHeight ugfx.fill_rounded_box(i * 37 + 2, maxBarHeight - height, 32, height, 2, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string_box(i * 37, maxBarHeight + (ugfx.height() - maxBarHeight - 15), 37, 15, curTime, "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) if height > maxBarHeight - 15: yPos = 0 else: yPos = maxBarHeight - height - 15 ugfx.fill_rounded_box(i * 37, yPos, 37, 15, 1, ugfx.WHITE) roundedString = "%d.%d" % (int(round(curMeasurement, 1)), int(10*round(curMeasurement,1))) ugfx.string_box(i * 37, yPos, 37, 15, roundedString, "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) # If precipitation exceeds 30mm/h, display a gap in the bar if curMeasurement > 30.0: ugfx.thickline(i * 37 + 2, 15, (i + 1) * 37 - 2, 25, ugfx.WHITE, 3, False) if not rain: ugfx.string_box(0, int(maxBarHeight/2) - 11, ugfx.width(), 22, "No rain expected \o/", "Roboto_Regular22", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) width = ugfx.get_string_width("mm/h", "Roboto_Regular12") ugfx.fill_rounded_box(ugfx.width() - width - 24, 0, width + 5, 15, 3, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string_box(ugfx.width() - width - 24, 0, width + 5, 15, "mm/h", "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.WHITE, ugfx.justifyCenter) badge.eink_busy_wait() ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_FULL) badge.eink_busy_wait() deepsleep.start_sleeping(600000) # Sleep for 10 minutes