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MCH2022 badge?
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import ugfx, gc, wifi, badge, deepsleep, easydraw, system, time from time import sleep, localtime import urequests as requests ugfx.init() # Make sure WiFi is connected try: wifi.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE); ugfx.string(10,10,"Waiting for wifi...","Roboto_Regular12", 0) ugfx.flush() while not wifi.sta_if.isconnected(): sleep(0.1) except: wifi.connect() easydraw.messageCentered("\nConnecting...", True, "/media/wifi.png") if not wifi.wait(): easydraw.messageCentered("Could not connect!", True, "/media/alert.png") time.sleep(2) system.home() easydraw.messageCentered("\nConnected!", True, "/media/wifi.png") icons = { "clear-day": "\uf00d", "clear-night": "\uf02e", "rain": "\uf019", "snow": "\uf01b", "sleet": "\uf0b5", "wind": "\uf050", "fog": "\uf021", "cloudy": "\uf041", "partly-cloudy-day": "\uf002", "partly-cloudy-night": "\uf086" } try: import consts consts.INFO_FIRMWARE_NAME #Workaround for bug in platform firmware... icons = { "clear-day": chr(1), "clear-night": chr(), "rain": chr(8), "snow": chr(15), "sleet": chr(15), "wind": chr(18), "fog": chr(17), "cloudy": chr(4), "partly-cloudy-day": chr(2), "partly-cloudy-night": chr(3) } except: pass def getDisplayName(time): #if time[3] == 0: # n = "Night" #if time[3] == 6: # n = "Morning" #if time[3] == 12: # n = "Noon" #if time[3] == 18: # n = "Evening" #return str(time[2]) + "." + str(time[1]) + ". " + n return str(time[2]) + "." + str(time[1]) + ". " + str(time[3]) + ":00" # loading screen ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE); ugfx.string(10,10,"Getting weather from Dark Sky ...","Roboto_Regular12", 0) ugfx.string(110,100,"","Roboto_Regular12", 0) ugfx.flush() # fetching forecast data url = "" r = requests.get(url) gc.collect() data = r.json() r.close() # aligning according to time hourly = data["hourly"]["data"] starttime = localtime(hourly[0]["time"]) index = starttime[3] if starttime[3] > 6: index = 12 - starttime[3] if starttime[3] > 12: index = 18 - starttime[3] if starttime[3] > 18: index = 24 - starttime[3] print(index) timepos = (10, 30) iconpos = (10, 44) temppos = (10, 105) # displaying forecast ugfx.clear(); ugfx.line(0, 26, 296, 26, 0) ugfx.line(0, 44, 296, 44, 0) ugfx.string(5, 5, "Weather Forecast for Zeewolde, NL Powered by Dark Sky", "pixelade13", 0) dp = hourly[index] time = localtime(dp["time"]) ugfx.string(timepos[0], timepos[1], getDisplayName(time), "pixelade13", 0) ugfx.string(iconpos[0], iconpos[1], icons[dp["icon"]], "weather42", 0) ugfx.string(temppos[0], temppos[1], str(int(dp["temperature"]))+"°C", "DejaVuSans20", 0) dp = hourly[index+6] time = localtime(dp["time"]) ugfx.string(timepos[0] + 1*11 + 1*64, timepos[1], getDisplayName(time), "pixelade13", 0) ugfx.string(iconpos[0] + 1*11 + 1*64, iconpos[1], icons[dp["icon"]], "weather42", 0) ugfx.string(temppos[0] + 1*11 + 1*64, temppos[1], str(int(dp["temperature"]))+"°C", "DejaVuSans20", 0) dp = hourly[index+12] time = localtime(dp["time"]) ugfx.string(timepos[0] + 2*11 + 2*64, timepos[1], getDisplayName(time), "pixelade13", 0) ugfx.string(iconpos[0] + 2*11 + 2*64, iconpos[1], icons[dp["icon"]], "weather42", 0) ugfx.string(temppos[0] + 2*11 + 2*64, temppos[1], str(int(dp["temperature"]))+"°C", "DejaVuSans20", 0) dp = hourly[index+18] time = localtime(dp["time"]) ugfx.string(timepos[0] + 3*11 + 3*64, timepos[1], getDisplayName(time), "pixelade13", 0) ugfx.string(iconpos[0] + 3*11 + 3*64, iconpos[1], icons[dp["icon"]], "weather42", 0) ugfx.string(temppos[0] + 3*11 + 3*64, temppos[1], str(int(dp["temperature"]))+"°C", "DejaVuSans20", 0) ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_FULL); badge.eink_busy_wait() deepsleep.start_sleeping(60000) #ugfx.clear(); #ugfx.string(10,10,"SHA2017 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯","pixelade13", 0) #ugfx.flush()