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import os import display import leds import buttons import utime def ceilDiv(a, b): return (a + (b - 1)) // b def tipHeight(w): return ceilDiv(w, 2) - 1 def drawTip(d, x, y, w, c, invert = False, swapAxes = False): h = tipHeight(w) for dy in range(h): for dx in range(dy + 1, w - 1 - dy): px = x + dx py = y + dy if not invert else y + h - 1 - dy if swapAxes: px, py = py, px d.pixel(px, py, col = c) def drawSeg(d, x, y, w, h, c, swapAxes = False): tip_h = tipHeight(w) body_h = h - 2 * tip_h drawTip(d, x, y, w, c, invert = True, swapAxes = swapAxes) px1, px2 = x, x + w py1, py2 = y + tip_h, y + tip_h + body_h if swapAxes: px1, px2, py1, py2 = py1, py2, px1, px2 d.rect(px1, py1, px2, py2, col = c) drawTip(d, x, y + tip_h + body_h, w, c, invert = False, swapAxes = swapAxes) def drawVSeg(d, x, y, w, l, c): drawSeg(d, x, y, w, l, c) def drawHSeg(d, x, y, w, l, c): drawSeg(d, y, x, w, l, c, swapAxes = True) def drawGridSeg(d, x, y, w, l, c, swapAxes = False): sw = w - 2 tip_h = tipHeight(sw) x = x * w y = y * w l = (l - 1) * w drawSeg(d, x + 1, y + tip_h + 3, sw, l - 3, c, swapAxes = swapAxes) def drawGridVSeg(d, x, y, w, l, c): drawGridSeg(d, x, y, w, l, c) def drawGridHSeg(d, x, y, w, l, c): drawGridSeg(d, y, x, w, l, c, swapAxes = True) def drawGrid(d, x1, y1, x2, y2, w, c): for x in range(x1 * w, x2 * w): for y in range(y1 * w, y2 * w): if x % w == 0 or x % w == w - 1 or y % w == 0 or y % w == w - 1: d.pixel(x, y, col = c) def drawGrid7Seg(d, x, y, w, segs, c): if segs[0]: drawGridHSeg(d, x, y, w, 4, c) if segs[1]: drawGridVSeg(d, x + 3, y, w, 4, c) if segs[2]: drawGridVSeg(d, x + 3, y + 3, w, 4, c) if segs[3]: drawGridHSeg(d, x, y + 6, w, 4, c) if segs[4]: drawGridVSeg(d, x, y + 3, w, 4, c) if segs[5]: drawGridVSeg(d, x, y, w, 4, c) if segs[6]: drawGridHSeg(d, x, y + 3, w, 4, c) DIGITS = [ (True, True, True, True, True, True, False), (False, True, True, False, False, False, False), (True, True, False, True, True, False, True), (True, True, True, True, False, False, True), (False, True, True, False, False, True, True), (True, False, True, True, False, True, True), (True, False, True, True, True, True, True), (True, True, True, False, False, False, False), (True, True, True, True, True, True, True), (True, True, True, True, False, True, True) ] def renderNum(d, num, x): drawGrid7Seg(d, x, 0, 7, DIGITS[num // 10], (255, 255, 255)) drawGrid7Seg(d, x + 5, 0, 7, DIGITS[num % 10], (255, 255, 255)) def renderColon(d): drawGridVSeg(d, 11, 2, 7, 2, (255, 255, 255)) drawGridVSeg(d, 11, 4, 7, 2, (255, 255, 255)) def renderText(d, text, blankidx = None): bs = bytearray(text) if blankidx != None: bs[blankidx:blankidx+1] = b'_' d.print(MODES[MODE] + ' ' + bs.decode(), fg = (255, 255, 255), bg = None, posx = 0, posy = 7 * 8) def renderBar(d, num): d.rect(20, 78, 20 + num * 2, 80, col = (255, 255, 255)) def render(d): ltime = utime.localtime() years = ltime[0] months = ltime[1] days = ltime[2] hours = ltime[3] mins = ltime[4] secs = ltime[5] d.clear() if MODE == CHANGE_YEAR: renderNum(d, years // 100, 1) renderNum(d, years % 100, 13) elif MODE == CHANGE_MONTH: renderNum(d, months, 13) elif MODE == CHANGE_DAY: renderNum(d, days, 13) else: renderNum(d, hours, 1) renderNum(d, mins, 13) if MODE not in (CHANGE_YEAR, CHANGE_MONTH, CHANGE_DAY) and secs % 2 == 0: renderColon(d) renderText(d, NAME, None) renderBar(d, secs) d.update() BUTTON_SEL = 1 << 0 BUTTON_UP = 1 << 1 BUTTON_DOWN = 1 << 2 BUTTON_SEL_LONG = 1 << 3 BUTTON_UP_LONG = 1 << 4 BUTTON_DOWN_LONG = 1 << 5 pressed_prev = 0 button_sel_time = 0 button_up_time = 0 button_down_time = 0 def checkButtons(): global pressed_prev, button_sel_time, button_up_time, button_down_time t = utime.time() pressed = | buttons.TOP_RIGHT | buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT) cur_buttons = 0 if pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT and not pressed_prev & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT: button_sel_time = t elif not pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT and pressed_prev & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT: if button_sel_time < t: cur_buttons |= BUTTON_SEL_LONG else: cur_buttons |= BUTTON_SEL if pressed & buttons.TOP_RIGHT and not pressed_prev & buttons.TOP_RIGHT: button_sel_time = t elif not pressed & buttons.TOP_RIGHT and pressed_prev & buttons.TOP_RIGHT: if button_sel_time < t: cur_buttons |= BUTTON_UP_LONG else: cur_buttons |= BUTTON_UP if pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT and not pressed_prev & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT: button_sel_time = t elif not pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT and pressed_prev & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT: if button_sel_time < t: cur_buttons |= BUTTON_DOWN_LONG else: cur_buttons |= BUTTON_DOWN pressed_prev = pressed return cur_buttons def modTime(yrs, mth, day, hrs, mns, sec): ltime = utime.localtime() new = utime.mktime((ltime[0] + yrs, ltime[1] + mth, ltime[2] + day, ltime[3] + hrs, ltime[4] + mns, ltime[5] + sec, None, None)) utime.set_time(new + WORKAROUND_OFFSET) def ctrl_display(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = CHANGE_HOURS def ctrl_chg_hrs(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = DISPLAY if bs & BUTTON_SEL: MODE = CHANGE_MINUTES if bs & BUTTON_UP or bs & BUTTON_UP_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) if bs & BUTTON_DOWN or bs & BUTTON_DOWN_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0) def ctrl_chg_mns(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = DISPLAY if bs & BUTTON_SEL: MODE = CHANGE_SECONDS if bs & BUTTON_UP or bs & BUTTON_UP_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) if bs & BUTTON_DOWN or bs & BUTTON_DOWN_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0) def ctrl_chg_sec(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = DISPLAY if bs & BUTTON_SEL: MODE = CHANGE_YEAR if bs & BUTTON_UP or bs & BUTTON_UP_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) if bs & BUTTON_DOWN or bs & BUTTON_DOWN_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) def ctrl_chg_yrs(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = DISPLAY if bs & BUTTON_SEL: MODE = CHANGE_MONTH if bs & BUTTON_UP or bs & BUTTON_UP_LONG: modTime(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) if bs & BUTTON_DOWN or bs & BUTTON_DOWN_LONG: modTime(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) def ctrl_chg_mth(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = DISPLAY if bs & BUTTON_SEL: MODE = CHANGE_DAY if bs & BUTTON_UP or bs & BUTTON_UP_LONG: modTime(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) if bs & BUTTON_DOWN or bs & BUTTON_DOWN_LONG: modTime(0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0) def ctrl_chg_day(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = DISPLAY if bs & BUTTON_SEL: MODE = CHANGE_HOURS if bs & BUTTON_UP or bs & BUTTON_UP_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) if bs & BUTTON_DOWN or bs & BUTTON_DOWN_LONG: modTime(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0) WORKAROUND_OFFSET = None def detect_workaround_offset(): global WORKAROUND_OFFSET old = utime.time() utime.set_time(old) new = utime.time() WORKAROUND_OFFSET = old - new utime.set_time(old + WORKAROUND_OFFSET) NAME = None FILENAME = 'nickname.txt' def load_nickname(): global NAME if FILENAME in os.listdir('.'): with open("nickname.txt", "rb") as f: name = else: name = b'no nick' if len(name) > 7: name = name[0:7] else: name = b' ' * (7 - len(name)) + name NAME = name # MODE values DISPLAY = 0 CHANGE_HOURS = 1 CHANGE_MINUTES = 2 CHANGE_SECONDS = 3 CHANGE_YEAR = 4 CHANGE_MONTH = 5 CHANGE_DAY = 6 MODE = DISPLAY MODES = { DISPLAY: '---', CHANGE_HOURS: 'HRS', CHANGE_MINUTES: 'MNS', CHANGE_SECONDS: 'SEC', CHANGE_YEAR: 'YRS', CHANGE_MONTH: 'MTH', CHANGE_DAY: 'DAY', } CTRL_FNS = { DISPLAY: ctrl_display, CHANGE_HOURS: ctrl_chg_hrs, CHANGE_MINUTES: ctrl_chg_mns, CHANGE_SECONDS: ctrl_chg_sec, CHANGE_YEAR: ctrl_chg_yrs, CHANGE_MONTH: ctrl_chg_mth, CHANGE_DAY: ctrl_chg_day, } def main(): try: detect_workaround_offset() load_nickname() with as d: while True: bs = checkButtons() CTRL_FNS[MODE](bs) render(d) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass main()