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# Adapted from # # Game of life framerates # 24/min 1x1 pixel, no draw loop # 20/min 1x1 pixel, drawpixel # 20/min 1x1 pixel, 0x0 filled rectangle # 153/min 3x3 pixel, 2x2 filled rectangle # 213/min sweeping 2x3 cache # import display from utime import sleep import utime import urandom import math import leds import buttons class Time: def __init__(self, start = 0): self.time = start self.wait_time = 0.95 def tick(self): sleep(self.wait_time) self.time += 1 @property def second(self): return self.time % 60 @property def minute(self): return (self.time / 60) % 60 @property def hour(self): return (self.time / 3600) % 24 class Clock: def __init__(self, sizex = 80, sizey = 80, radius = 38, offsetx = 30, hour_hand = True, minute_hand = True, second_hand = True, console_out = False, run_once = False, update_interval = 0): self.sizex = sizex self.sizey = sizey self.radius = radius = (int(self.sizex/2), int(self.sizey/2)) self.hour_hand = hour_hand self.minute_hand = minute_hand self.second_hand = second_hand self.console_out = console_out self.update_interval = update_interval if update_interval != 0 else (1 if self.second_hand else 30) self.run_once = run_once self.offsetx = offsetx self.time = Time() white = (255, 255, 255) self.center_col = white self.m1_col = white self.m5_col = white self.hour_hand_col = white self.minute_hand_col = white self.second_hand_col = white self.warp = 0 self.frames = 0 self.starttime=utime.time() self.golcol=(0,255,0) #print("Da fu-ed time is "+str(self.starttime)) self.pixsize=3 self.cellcount=0 self.cellcounthistory=[] self.flags=0 self.FLAG_HISTORY=2 self.FLAG_NUMBERS=1 self.f=[] self.nxt=[] for x in range( self.f.append([]) self.nxt.append([]) for y in range( self.f[x].append(urandom.randint(0,1)) self.nxt[x].append(0) def showCellCountHistory(self,disp): if self.flags & self.FLAG_HISTORY == 0: return for x in range(len(self.cellcounthistory)): a=80-1 b=80-1-int(self.cellcounthistory[x]/2) if b<0: b=0 disp.line(x,a,x,b,size=1,col=(255,0,0)) def show(self,disp): self.showCellCountHistory(disp) pixsize=self.pixsize for x in range( for y in range( if(self.f[x][y]): # disp.pixel(x*pixsize,y*pixsize, col=self.golcol) disp.rect(x*pixsize,y*pixsize,x*pixsize+pixsize-1,y*pixsize+pixsize-1, col=self.golcol) now=utime.time() #print("Da now is "+str(now)+" und da start is "+str(self.starttime)) if now==self.starttime: now-=1 #print("Di now is "+str(now)+" und da start is "+str(self.starttime)) self.frames+=1 framerate=(self.frames*60)/(now-self.starttime) status="{0:1.2f} {1}".format(framerate,self.cellcount) if self.flags & self.FLAG_NUMBERS != 0: disp.print(status, fg=[0,255,255]) #print("FR "+str(framerate)+" = "+str(self.frames*60)+"/"+str(now-self.starttime)) def neigh(self,x,y): return self.f[x-1][y-1]+self.f[x][y-1]+self.f[x+1][y-1]+self.f[x-1][y]+self.f[x+1][y]+self.f[x-1][y+1]+self.f[x][y+1]+self.f[x+1][y+1] def future(self,x,y): f = self.neigh(x,y) if f == 3 or (f==2 and self.f[x][y]==1): return 1 return 0 def iter(self): rx=urandom.randint(1, ry=urandom.randint(1, #print("Randpatch "+str(rx)+":"+str(ry)) self.f[rx][ry]=1 for x in range(1, y=1 s2=self.f[x-1][y-1]+self.f[x][y-1]+self.f[x+1][y-1] s3=self.f[x-1][y]+self.f[x][y]+self.f[x+1][y] for y in range(1, s1=s2 s2=s3 s3=self.f[x-1][y+1]+self.f[x][y+1]+self.f[x+1][y+1] s=self.f[x][y] neigh=s1+s2+s3-s #print("Iter "+str(x)+","+str(y)+" has "+str(s1)+","+str(s2)+","+str(s3)+","+str(neigh)) if neigh == 3 or (s==1 and neigh==2): self.nxt[x][y]=1 else: self.nxt[x][y]=0 cc=0 for x in range(0, for y in range(0, self.f[x][y]=self.nxt[x][y] cc+=self.f[x][y] self.cellcount=cc self.cellcounthistory.append(cc) if(len(self.cellcounthistory)>160-1): self.cellcounthistory.pop(0) #print("Cells: "+str(cc)+" hist "+str(len(self.cellcounthistory))) # Reboot if cellcount is zero if cc==0: cx=int( cy=int( self.f[cx-2][cy]=1 self.f[cx-1][cy]=1 self.f[cx][cy-1]=1 self.f[cx][cy+1]=1 self.f[cx+1][cy]=1 self.f[cx+2][cy]=1 print("Restart game of life because all cells have vanished after frame "+str(self.frames)) # Check button if pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT != 0: self.flags+=1 print("Button BL pressed! Flags now "+str(self.flags)) def loop(self): colored = False try: with as disp: while True: self.updateClock(disp) if self.run_once: break except KeyboardInterrupt: for i in range(11): leds.set(i, (0, 0, 0)) return def drawImage(self, image): with as d: d.clear() for x in range(len(image)): for y in range(len(image[x])): d.pixel(x + self.offsetx, y, col = (255, 255, 255) if image[x][y] else (0, 0, 0)) d.update() def updateClock(self, disp): disp.clear() localtime = utime.localtime() self.warp = self.warp + 1 self.iter() disp.pixel([0] + self.offsetx,[1], col = self.center_col) hour_coords = self.circlePoint(math.radians((((localtime[3]%12)/12.) if localtime[3] else 0)*360 + 270 + (localtime[4]/2))) minute_coords = self.circlePoint(math.radians(localtime[4]*6+270)) second_coords = self.circlePoint(math.radians(localtime[5]*6+270)) for i in range(60): degree = i*6 + 90 radian = - math.radians(degree) coords = self.circlePoint(radian) if not i % 5: self.addLine(disp, coords,, 3, 1, col = self.m5_col) else: self.addLine(disp, coords,, 1, col = self.m1_col) if self.hour_hand: self.addLine(disp,, hour_coords, int(self.radius / 3), 1, col = self.hour_hand_col) if self.minute_hand: self.addLine(disp,, minute_coords, int(self.radius / 2), col = self.minute_hand_col) if self.second_hand: self.addLine(disp,, second_coords, self.radius - int(self.radius/8.), col = self.second_hand_col) if self.console_out: for y in range(self.radius*2): line = "" for x in range(self.radius*2): line = line + ("." if image[([1]-self.radius)+y][([0]-self.radius)+x] else " ") print(line) disp.update() def circlePoint(self, t): return (int(round(self.radius*math.cos(t))) +[0], int(round(self.radius*math.sin(t))) +[1]) def addLine(self, disp, source, aim, length, thickness = 1, col = (255, 255, 255)): vector = self.subVector(aim, source) vector = self.normVector(vector) destination = self.addVector(source, self.multiplyVector(vector, length)) disp.line(round(source[0]) + self.offsetx, round(source[1]), round(destination[0]) + self.offsetx, round(destination[1]), col=col, size=thickness) def normVector(self, v): length = math.sqrt(sum([i**2 for i in v])) new_v = [] for i in range(len(v)): new_v.append(v[i]/length) return tuple(new_v) def subVector(self, v1, v2): res = [] for i in range(len(v1)): res.append(v1[i]-v2[i]) return tuple(res) def addVector(self, v1, v2): res = [] for i in range(len(v1)): res.append(v1[i]+v2[i]) return tuple(res) def multiplyVector(self, v, multiplier): return tuple([i*multiplier for i in v]) clock = Clock() clock.loop()