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import os import buttons import utime import display import ujson import color import leds DIR = "apps/fahrplan" FILENAME = "schedule.json" MAXCHARS = 11 DE_FLAG = [[(49, 52, 49),(16, 16, 16),(16, 16, 16),(16, 12, 16),(8, 12, 8),(8, 12, 8),(8, 8, 8),(8, 8, 8),(8, 8, 8),(8, 4, 8),(8, 4, 8),(0, 4, 0),(0, 0, 0),(0, 0, 0),(0, 0, 0),(41, 40, 41),],[(65, 64, 65),(24, 20, 24),(16, 20, 16),(16, 20, 16),(16, 16, 16),(16, 16, 16),(16, 16, 16),(16, 12, 16),(16, 12, 16),(8, 12, 8),(8, 12, 8),(8, 8, 8),(8, 8, 8),(8, 8, 8),(8, 4, 8),(49, 52, 49),],[(65, 64, 65),(16, 24, 24),(16, 24, 24),(16, 24, 24),(16, 20, 24),(16, 20, 16),(16, 20, 16),(16, 16, 16),(8, 16, 16),(8, 16, 16),(8, 12, 16),(8, 12, 16),(8, 12, 8),(8, 12, 8),(0, 8, 8),(49, 52, 57),],[(180, 68, 65),(172, 28, 32),(172, 28, 24),(172, 24, 24),(172, 24, 24),(172, 24, 24),(172, 24, 24),(172, 20, 24),(172, 20, 16),(172, 20, 16),(172, 20, 16),(172, 16, 16),(172, 16, 16),(172, 16, 16),(172, 12, 16),(172, 56, 57),],[(213, 72, 74),(222, 32, 32),(222, 32, 32),(222, 32, 32),(222, 28, 32),(222, 28, 24),(222, 28, 24),(222, 24, 24),(222, 24, 24),(222, 24, 24),(222, 20, 24),(222, 20, 24),(222, 20, 16),(222, 20, 16),(222, 16, 16),(213, 60, 57),],[(213, 76, 74),(222, 36, 32),(222, 36, 32),(222, 36, 32),(222, 32, 32),(222, 32, 32),(222, 32, 32),(222, 28, 32),(222, 28, 32),(222, 28, 24),(222, 24, 24),(222, 24, 24),(222, 24, 24),(222, 24, 24),(222, 20, 24),(213, 64, 65),],[(222, 109, 74),(230, 85, 41),(230, 85, 41),(230, 80, 41),(230, 80, 41),(230, 80, 32),(230, 80, 32),(230, 80, 32),(230, 76, 32),(230, 76, 32),(230, 76, 32),(230, 76, 32),(230, 72, 24),(230, 72, 24),(230, 72, 24),(222, 101, 65),],[(230, 202, 57),(255, 210, 24),(255, 218, 41),(255, 218, 41),(255, 218, 41),(255, 218, 41),(255, 218, 41),(255, 218, 41),(255, 218, 32),(255, 218, 32),(255, 214, 32),(255, 214, 32),(255, 214, 32),(255, 214, 32),(255, 214, 32),(238, 206, 65),],[(230, 194, 49),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 202, 8),(246, 202, 16),(246, 206, 24),(255, 206, 24),(255, 206, 32),(255, 210, 32),(255, 210, 32),(255, 210, 32),(255, 210, 32),(255, 210, 24),(255, 206, 24),(238, 202, 65),],[(230, 194, 41),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(246, 198, 0),(230, 194, 41),]] UK_FLAG = [[(213, 105, 115),(246, 202, 205),(205, 218, 238),(32, 64, 139),(8, 44, 131),(8, 44, 131),(82, 109, 172),(222, 76, 90),(222, 72, 90),(74, 109, 172),(8, 40, 131),(0, 36, 123),(24, 64, 148),(180, 117, 148),(222, 85, 98),(238, 222, 222),],[(106, 129, 172),(205, 121, 139),(222, 105, 123),(255, 255, 255),(123, 141, 189),(8, 40, 131),(82, 113, 172),(222, 76, 90),(222, 76, 90),(82, 113, 172),(0, 36, 123),(115, 125, 172),(222, 85, 98),(238, 170, 180),(230, 242, 246),(90, 113, 164),],[(65, 85, 148),(8, 48, 131),(139, 133, 172),(222, 85, 98),(246, 190, 197),(222, 226, 238),(115, 141, 189),(222, 80, 98),(222, 80, 98),(115, 141, 189),(197, 125, 148),(222, 89, 106),(255, 250, 255),(131, 149, 189),(0, 32, 123),(49, 76, 139),],[(197, 206, 222),(197, 210, 230),(197, 206, 230),(230, 242, 255),(246, 198, 205),(255, 250, 255),(255, 255, 255),(222, 80, 98),(222, 80, 98),(255, 250, 246),(246, 210, 213),(255, 255, 255),(222, 234, 246),(189, 206, 230),(197, 206, 230),(189, 202, 222),],[(205, 76, 90),(213, 36, 57),(213, 36, 57),(205, 36, 57),(205, 32, 57),(205, 32, 57),(205, 32, 49),(213, 40, 65),(213, 40, 57),(205, 28, 49),(205, 28, 49),(205, 24, 49),(205, 24, 49),(205, 24, 49),(205, 20, 41),(205, 64, 82),],[(205, 80, 90),(213, 40, 65),(213, 40, 65),(213, 40, 57),(213, 40, 57),(213, 36, 57),(205, 36, 57),(213, 44, 65),(213, 44, 65),(205, 32, 57),(205, 32, 49),(205, 28, 49),(205, 28, 49),(205, 28, 49),(205, 28, 49),(205, 68, 82),],[(197, 206, 222),(205, 214, 230),(197, 210, 230),(230, 234, 246),(255, 255, 255),(246, 214, 222),(255, 250, 246),(222, 89, 106),(222, 89, 106),(255, 255, 255),(255, 250, 255),(246, 202, 205),(230, 242, 255),(197, 210, 230),(197, 210, 230),(197, 206, 222),],[(57, 80, 139),(16, 48, 131),(148, 165, 197),(255, 255, 255),(230, 109, 123),(205, 137, 156),(131, 153, 197),(222, 93, 106),(222, 93, 106),(123, 149, 197),(222, 230, 238),(246, 194, 197),(222, 89, 106),(139, 137, 180),(16, 48, 131),(65, 89, 148),],[(90, 109, 156),(222, 230, 238),(230, 161, 172),(213, 76, 90),(115, 121, 164),(8, 40, 123),(90, 113, 172),(222, 85, 98),(222, 89, 106),(90, 121, 180),(24, 52, 131),(131, 145, 189),(255, 255, 255),(222, 113, 123),(205, 121, 139),(106, 133, 172),],[(230, 214, 213),(213, 80, 98),(172, 113, 139),(24, 60, 139),(0, 32, 115),(0, 32, 123),(65, 101, 164),(213, 64, 82),(213, 64, 82),(65, 97, 164),(0, 32, 115),(0, 28, 115),(16, 52, 131),(197, 206, 222),(238, 190, 197),(205, 93, 106),],] def render_error(err1, err2): with as disp: disp.clear() disp.print(err1, posx=80 - round(len(err1) / 2 * 14), posy=18) disp.print(err2, posx=80 - round(len(err2) / 2 * 14), posy=42) disp.update() disp.close() def draw_flag(flag): flag_x, flag_y = 140, 44 for x, list_y in enumerate(flag): for y, color in enumerate(list_y): disp.pixel(flag_x + y, flag_y + x, col=color) def draw_event(event, disp, offset, daysCount): disp.clear() disp.rect(0, 0, 159, 20, col=color.CHAOSBLUE) disp.rect(0, 20, 159, 80, col=color.CHAOSBLUE) for i in range(daysCount): if i == int(event["day"]) - 1: leds.set(10-i, [0, 255, 0]) else: leds.set(10-i, [255, 0, 0]) title = event['title'] + " -- " linelen = len(title) offset %= linelen post_title = "" if offset + MAXCHARS > linelen: post_title = title[:(offset + MAXCHARS - linelen)] disp.print(title[offset: offset + MAXCHARS] + post_title, posy=0, fg=color.CAMPGREEN, bg=color.CHAOSBLUE) disp.print("D " + event["day"] + " - " + event['start'], posy=20, bg=color.CHAOSBLUE) disp.print(event['room'], posy=40, bg=color.CHAOSBLUE) e_duration = event["duration"] duration = "" if e_duration[0] != '0': duration += e_duration[0:2] + "h" elif e_duration[1] != '0': duration += e_duration[1] + "h" if e_duration[3] != '0': duration += e_duration[3:5] + "m" elif e_duration[4] != '0': duration += e_duration[4] + "m" if event['language'] == 'en': draw_flag(UK_FLAG) elif event['language'] == 'de': draw_flag(DE_FLAG) disp.print(duration + " long", posy=60, bg=color.CHAOSBLUE) disp.update() def process_json(f): try: conf = ujson.loads( events = conf["events"] daysCount = conf["daysCount"] except Exception as e: return None events = sorted(events, key=lambda e: e['timestamp']) return events, daysCount def compute_next_event_nb(event_list): t = utime.time() i = 0 max_len = len(event_list) while i < max_len and event_list[i]["timestamp"] < t: i += 1 if i == max_len: i -= 1 return i print("Start") if FILENAME not in os.listdir(DIR): render_error('file not', 'found') print("File not found") else: leds.dim_top(1) events = None with open(DIR + "/" + FILENAME) as f: events, daysCount = process_json(f) if not events: render_error('error prossessing', 'events') print("Error processing events") else: event_nb = compute_next_event_nb(events) len_events = len(events) i = -7 offset = 0 disp = while 1: draw_event(events[event_nb], disp, offset, daysCount) i += 1 if i >= 4: offset += 1 i = 0 # Process button event v = | buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT | buttons.TOP_RIGHT) if v == 0: button_pressed = False if not button_pressed and v & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT != 0: button_pressed = True event_nb -= 1 if event_nb < 0: event_nb = 0 offset = 0 i = -7 if not button_pressed and v & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT != 0: button_pressed = True event_nb += 1 if event_nb >= len_events: event_nb = len_events - 1 offset = 0 i = -7 if not button_pressed and v & buttons.TOP_RIGHT != 0: button_pressed = True event_nb = compute_next_event_nb(events) offset = 0 i = -7 utime.sleep_ms(10)