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import display import utime import math import leds def minValue(n1,n2): if (n1 < n2): return n1 else: return n2 def maxValue(n1,n2): if (n1 > n2): return n1 else: return n2 class FairyDust: def __init__(self, x = 0, y = 0): self.raw = [] try: with open('/apps/tree/fairydust.bin', 'rb') as fh: self.raw = bytearray( except: print('Errr on reading file\n') self.x = x self.y = y def draw(self, displ): for counter in range(0,len(self.raw),3): rgb = (self.raw[counter], self.raw[counter+1], self.raw[counter+2]) xp = int(int(counter / 3) / 64) yp = int(int(counter / 3) % 64) try: if rgb[0] != 255 and rgb[1] != 0 and rgb[2] != 215: displ.pixel(xp + self.x, yp + self.y, col = rgb) except: pass class Tree: def __init__(self, x = 0, y = 0): self.treeRaw = [] try: with open('/apps/tree/tree.bin', 'rb') as fh: self.treeRaw = bytearray( except: print('Errr on reading file\n') self.x = x self.y = y def draw(self, displ): for counter in range(0,len(self.treeRaw),3): rgb = (self.treeRaw[counter], self.treeRaw[counter+1], self.treeRaw[counter+2]) xp = int(int(counter / 3) / 48) yp = int(int(counter / 3) % 48) try: if rgb[0] != 255 and rgb[1] != 0 and rgb[2] != 215: displ.pixel(xp + self.x, yp + self.y, col = rgb) except: pass class Ground: def __init__(self): pass def draw(self, displ): try: displ.rect(0, 40, 160, 80, col=(140, 159, 74), filled=True, size=1) except: pass class Heaven: def __init__(self): pass def draw(self, displ): try: displ.rect(0, 0, 160, 80, col=(0, 0, 0), filled=True, size=1) except: pass class Laser: def __init__(self, color, targetX, targetY, radius, steps): self.color = color self.positionDeg = 0 self.targetX = targetX self.targetY = targetY self.radius = radius self.positionDeg = 180 self.lastLED = 0 self.steps = steps def update(self): self.positionDeg = (self.positionDeg + self.steps) % 360 self.currentX = int(self.radius * math.cos(self.positionDeg * math.pi / 180) + self.targetX) self.currentY = int(self.radius * math.sin(self.positionDeg * math.pi / 180) + self.targetY) varX = maxValue(0, minValue(159, self.currentX)) varY = maxValue(0, minValue(79, self.currentY)) if (varY <= 0): ledPos = 10 - (int(varX / 14.5) % 11) print(ledPos) try: leds.set(ledPos, (self.color)) if (self.lastLED != ledPos): leds.set(self.lastLED, (0,0,0)) except Exception as e: print(e) self.lastLED = ledPos else : try: leds.set(self.lastLED, (0,0,0)) self.lastLED = 0 except Exception as e: print(e) self.currentX = varX self.currentY = varY def draw(self, displ): try: displ.line(79, 79, self.currentX, self.currentY, col=self.color) except Exception as e: print(e) ground = Ground() heaven = Heaven() tree = Tree(-5, 15) tree2 = Tree(26, -2) tree3 = Tree(120, 7) fairydust = FairyDust(54,0) laser1 = Laser((255,0,0), 80, 5, 25, 30) laser2 = Laser((0,255,0), 20, 20, 45, -20) laser3 = Laser((0,0,255), 90, -5, 15, 10) while True: with as d: laser1.update() laser2.update() laser3.update() heaven.draw(d) ground.draw(d) tree.draw(d) tree2.draw(d) tree3.draw(d) fairydust.draw(d) laser1.draw(d) laser2.draw(d) laser3.draw(d) current = utime.localtime() hour = current[3] min = current[4] hourStr = '' minStr = '' if hour < 10: hourStr = ' ' + str(hour) else: hourStr = str(hour) if min < 10: minStr = '0' + str(min) else: minStr = str(min) time = hourStr + ':' + minStr d.print(time, fg = (0,0,0), bg = (140, 159, 74), posx = 90, posy = 60) d.update() d.close() #utime.sleep_ms(33) # Feed watch doge