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import os import leds import utime import buttons import display import urandom class App: def __init__(self): # color in hsv. 0 = red, 360 = red self.top_hue = 0 # 0 = min brightness, 1 = max brightness self.top_value = 0 self.bottom_hue = 120 self.bottom_value = 1 self.button_pressed = {} self.button_state = 0 # assume nothing pressed self.recorded_beats = [] self.tick_id = -1 self.median_tick_delta = -1 self.beat_start_tick = -1 self.sync_indicator = True with as d: d.print('COLOR >', posy=40, posx=50) d.print('INDICATE >', posx=10) d.print('< SYNC BEAT', posy=60) d.update() def tick(self, tick_id): self.tick_id = tick_id self.process_inputs() self.update_leds() if self.median_tick_delta > -1 and self.beat_start_tick > -1: start = (tick_id - self.beat_start_tick) v = App.interpolate_value(start, self.median_tick_delta) self.top_value = v if tick_id % 10 == 0: # fade out ALL the colors # self.top_value = max(0, self.top_value - 0.01) self.bottom_value = max(0, self.bottom_value - 0.01) @staticmethod def interpolate_value(tick, tick_delta): d = tick_delta / 1.3 progress = d - (tick % tick_delta) v = float(progress) / float(d) if v < 0: return 0 return v def calculate_tick_distance(self): beats = self.recorded_beats l = [beats[i] - beats[i-1] for i in range(1, len(beats))] l.sort() self.median_tick_delta = l[len(l) // 2] # last button press is the starting point for self.beat_start_tick = self.recorded_beats[-1] def record_beat(self): if len(self.recorded_beats) > 0: last_beat = self.recorded_beats[-1] if self.tick_id - last_beat > 3000: # clear beats, last syncing was a while ago (1000 ticks = ?? seconds) self.recorded_beats = [] self.recorded_beats.append(self.tick_id) if len(self.recorded_beats) >= 4: self.calculate_tick_distance() def button_down(self, button): ret = False pressed = self.button_state & button != 0 if pressed and not self.button_pressed.get(button): self.button_pressed[button] = True ret = True if not pressed: self.button_pressed[button] = False ret = False return ret def process_inputs(self): self.button_state = | buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT | buttons.TOP_RIGHT) if self.button_down(buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT): self.top_hue += 10 self.bottom_hue += 10 self.top_hue %= 360 self.bottom_hue %= 360 if self.button_down(buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT): self.bottom_value = 1 self.record_beat() if self.button_down(buttons.TOP_RIGHT): self.sync_indicator = not self.sync_indicator def update_leds(self): # First 11 leds are the top leds, last 4 are the bottom ones. Generate a long list of all values top_colors = [(self.top_hue, 1, self.top_value)] * 11 if self.sync_indicator: bottom_colors = [(self.bottom_hue, 1, self.bottom_value)] * 4 else: bottom_colors = [(self.top_hue, 1, self.top_value)] * 4 colors = top_colors + bottom_colors leds.set_all_hsv(colors) if __name__ == '__main__': app = App() i = 0 while True: app.tick(i) i += 1