Toggle Navigation
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""" Menu Script =========== You can customize this script however you want :) If you want to go back to the default version, just delete this file; the firmware will recreate it on next run. """ import buttons import color import display import os import leds import utime import ujson import sys BUTTON_TIMER_POPPED = -1 COLOR1, COLOR2 = ([100,0,100],[0,0,0]) MAXCHARS = 11 def create_folders(): try: os.mkdir("/apps") except: pass def read_metadata(app_folder): try: info_file = "/apps/%s/metadata.json" % (app_folder) with open(info_file) as f: information = return ujson.loads(information) except Exception as e: print("Failed to read metadata for %s" % (app_folder)) sys.print_exception(e) return { "author": "", "name": app_folder, "description": "", "category": "", "revision": 0, } def list_apps(): """Create a list of available apps.""" apps = [] # add main application for mainFile in os.listdir("/"): if mainFile == "": apps.append( [ "/", { "author": "card10badge Team", "name": "home", "description": "", "category": "", "revision": 0, }, ] ) dirlist = [ entry for entry in sorted(os.listdir("/apps")) if not entry.startswith(".") ] # list all hatchary style apps (not .elf and not .py) # with or without metadata.json for appFolder in dirlist: if not (appFolder.endswith(".py") or appFolder.endswith(".elf")): metadata = read_metadata(appFolder) if not metadata.get("bin", None): fileName = "/apps/%s/" % appFolder else: fileName = "/apps/%s/%s" % (appFolder, metadata["bin"]) apps.append([fileName, metadata]) # list simple python scripts for pyFile in dirlist: if pyFile.endswith(".py"): apps.append( [ "/apps/%s" % pyFile, { "author": "", "name": pyFile, "description": "", "category": "", "revision": 0, }, ] ) # list simple elf binaries for elfFile in dirlist: if elfFile.endswith(".elf"): apps.append( [ "/apps/%s" % elfFile, { "author": "", "name": elfFile, "description": "", "category": "", "revision": 0, }, ] ) return apps def button_events(timeout=0): """Iterate over button presses (event-loop).""" yield 0 button_pressed = False count = 0 while True: v = | buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT | buttons.TOP_RIGHT) if timeout > 0 and count > 0 and count % timeout == 0: yield BUTTON_TIMER_POPPED if timeout > 0: count += 1 if v == 0: button_pressed = False if not button_pressed and v & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT != 0: button_pressed = True yield buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT if not button_pressed and v & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT != 0: button_pressed = True yield buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT if not button_pressed and v & buttons.TOP_RIGHT != 0: button_pressed = True yield buttons.TOP_RIGHT utime.sleep_ms(10) def triangle(disp, x, y, left, scale=6, color=[255, 255, 255]): """Draw a triangle to show there's more text in this line""" yf = 1 if left else -1 disp.line(x - scale * yf, int(y + scale / 2), x, y, col=color) disp.line(x, y + scale, x - scale * yf, y + int(scale / 2), col=color) def draw_menu(disp, applist, pos, appcount, lineoffset): disp.clear() start = 0 if pos > 0: start = pos - 1 if start + 4 > appcount: start = appcount - 4 if start < 0: start = 0 for i, app in enumerate(applist): if i >= start + 4 or i >= appcount: break if i >= start: disp.rect( 0, (i - start) * 20, 159, (i - start) * 20 + 20, col=COLOR1 if i == pos else COLOR2, ) line = app[1]["name"] linelength = len(line) off = 0 # calc line offset for scrolling if i == pos and linelength > (MAXCHARS - 1) and lineoffset > 0: off = ( lineoffset if lineoffset + (MAXCHARS - 1) < linelength else linelength - (MAXCHARS - 1) ) if lineoffset > linelength: off = 0 disp.print( " " + line[off : (off + (MAXCHARS - 1))], posy=(i - start) * 20, fg=[255,255,255], bg=COLOR1 if i == pos else COLOR2, ) if i == pos: disp.print("~", posy=(i - start) * 20, fg=[255,255,255], bg=COLOR1) if linelength > (MAXCHARS - 1) and off < linelength - (MAXCHARS - 1): triangle(disp, 153, (i - start) * 20 + 6, False, 6) triangle(disp, 154, (i - start) * 20 + 7, False, 4) triangle(disp, 155, (i - start) * 20 + 8, False, 2) if off > 0: triangle(disp, 24, (i - start) * 20 + 6, True, 6) triangle(disp, 23, (i - start) * 20 + 7, True, 4) triangle(disp, 22, (i - start) * 20 + 8, True, 2) disp.update() disp.backlight(10) def main(): leds.set_flashlight(False) create_folders() disp = applist = list_apps() numapps = len(applist) current = 0 lineoffset = 0 timerscrollspeed = 1 timerstartscroll = 5 timercountpopped = 0 for ev in button_events(10): if numapps == 0: disp.clear(color.COMMYELLOW) disp.print( " No apps ", posx=17, posy=20, fg=color.COMMYELLOW_DARK, bg=color.COMMYELLOW, ) disp.print( "available", posx=17, posy=40, fg=color.COMMYELLOW_DARK, bg=color.COMMYELLOW, ) disp.update() continue if ev == buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT: # Scroll down current = (current + 1) % numapps lineoffset = 0 timercountpopped = 0 elif ev == buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT: # Scroll up current = (current + numapps - 1) % numapps lineoffset = 0 timercountpopped = 0 elif ev == BUTTON_TIMER_POPPED: timercountpopped += 1 if ( timercountpopped >= timerstartscroll and (timercountpopped - timerstartscroll) % timerscrollspeed == 0 ): lineoffset += 1 elif ev == buttons.TOP_RIGHT: # Select & start disp.clear().update() disp.close() try: os.exec(applist[current][0]) except OSError as e: print("Loading failed: ", e) os.exit(1) draw_menu(disp, applist, current, numapps, lineoffset) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except Exception as e: sys.print_exception(e) with as d: d.clear(color.COMMYELLOW) d.print("Menu", posx=52, posy=20, fg=color.COMMYELLOW_DARK, bg=color.COMMYELLOW) d.print("crashed", posx=31, posy=40, fg=color.COMMYELLOW_DARK, bg=color.COMMYELLOW) d.update() utime.sleep(2) os.exit(1)