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""" This project is inspired by yrlfs digiclk and base functionality (clock) is taken from there. Thanks to lortas for the battery rendering code """ import buttons import display import os import utime import light_sensor import power def ceil_div(a, b): return (a + (b - 1)) // b def tip_height(w): return ceil_div(w, 2) - 1 def draw_tip(d, x, y, w, c, invert=False, swapAxes=False): h = tip_height(w) for dy in range(h): for dx in range(dy + 1, w - 1 - dy): px = x + dx py = y + dy if not invert else y + h - 1 - dy if swapAxes: px, py = py, px d.pixel(px, py, col=c) def draw_seg(d, x, y, w, h, c, swapAxes=False): tip_h = tip_height(w) body_h = h - 2 * tip_h draw_tip(d, x, y, w, c, invert=True, swapAxes=swapAxes) px1, px2 = x, x + (w - 1) py1, py2 = y + tip_h, y + tip_h + (body_h - 1) if swapAxes: px1, px2, py1, py2 = py1, py2, px1, px2 d.rect(px1, py1, px2, py2, col=c) draw_tip(d, x, y + tip_h + body_h, w, c, invert=False, swapAxes=swapAxes) def draw_Vseg(d, x, y, w, l, c): draw_seg(d, x, y, w, l, c) def draw_Hseg(d, x, y, w, l, c): draw_seg(d, y, x, w, l, c, swapAxes=True) def draw_grid_seg(d, x, y, w, l, c, swapAxes=False): sw = w - 2 tip_h = tip_height(sw) x = x * w y = y * w l = (l - 1) * w draw_seg(d, x + 1, y + tip_h + 3, sw, l - 3, c, swapAxes=swapAxes) def draw_grid_Vseg(d, x, y, w, l, c): draw_grid_seg(d, x, y, w, l, c) def draw_grid_Hseg(d, x, y, w, l, c): draw_grid_seg(d, y, x, w, l, c, swapAxes=True) def draw_grid(d, x1, y1, x2, y2, w, c): for x in range(x1 * w, x2 * w): for y in range(y1 * w, y2 * w): if x % w == 0 or x % w == w - 1 or y % w == 0 or y % w == w - 1: d.pixel(x, y, col=c) def draw_grid_7seg(d, x, y, w, segs, c): if segs[0]: draw_grid_Hseg(d, x, y, w, 4, c) if segs[1]: draw_grid_Vseg(d, x + 3, y, w, 4, c) if segs[2]: draw_grid_Vseg(d, x + 3, y + 3, w, 4, c) if segs[3]: draw_grid_Hseg(d, x, y + 6, w, 4, c) if segs[4]: draw_grid_Vseg(d, x, y + 3, w, 4, c) if segs[5]: draw_grid_Vseg(d, x, y, w, 4, c) if segs[6]: draw_grid_Hseg(d, x, y + 3, w, 4, c) DIGITS = [ (True, True, True, True, True, True, False), (False, True, True, False, False, False, False), (True, True, False, True, True, False, True), (True, True, True, True, False, False, True), (False, True, True, False, False, True, True), (True, False, True, True, False, True, True), (True, False, True, True, True, True, True), (True, True, True, False, False, False, False), (True, True, True, True, True, True, True), (True, True, True, True, False, True, True) ] MONTH_STRING = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] DAY_STRING = ["Mo-", "Tu-", "We-", "Th-", "Fr-", "Sa-", "Su-"] BATTERY_COLOR_GOOD = [0, 230, 0] BATTERY_COLOR_OK = [255, 215, 0] BATTERY_COLOR_BAD = [255, 0, 0] def get_bat_color(v): if v > 3.8: return BATTERY_COLOR_GOOD if v > 3.6: return BATTERY_COLOR_OK return BATTERY_COLOR_BAD def render_battery(display, pos_x=140, pos_y=72): v = os.read_battery() c = get_bat_color(v) if not c: return display.rect(pos_x, pos_y, pos_x + 15, pos_y + 7, filled=True, col=c) display.rect(pos_x + 15, pos_y + 2, pos_x + 17, pos_y + 5, filled=True, col=c) if v < 4.0: display.rect(pos_x + 11, pos_y + 1, pos_x + 14, pos_y + 6, filled=True, col=[0, 0, 0]) if v < 3.8: display.rect(pos_x + 6, pos_y + 1, pos_x + 11, pos_y + 6, filled=True, col=[0, 0, 0]) if v < 3.6: display.rect(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 1, pos_x + 6, pos_y + 6, filled=True, col=[0, 0, 0]) render_charging(display, pos_x + 6, pos_y) def render_charging(display, pos_x, pos_y): v_in = power.read_chargein_voltage() if v_in > 4.0: c = [0, 0, 0] c_shade = [120, 120, 120] display.pixel(pos_x + 1, pos_y, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 1, pos_y, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 2, pos_y, col=c_shade) display.pixel(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 1, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x, pos_y + 1, col=c_shade) display.pixel(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 2, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x, pos_y + 2, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x, pos_y + 3, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 3, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 2, pos_y + 3, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 3, pos_y + 3, col=c_shade) display.pixel(pos_x + 2, pos_y + 4, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 3, pos_y + 4, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 4, pos_y + 4, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 4, col=c_shade) display.pixel(pos_x + 3, pos_y + 5, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 4, pos_y + 5, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 3, pos_y + 6, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 4, pos_y + 6, col=c_shade) display.pixel(pos_x + 3, pos_y + 7, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 2, pos_y + 7, col=c_shade) def render_num(d, num, x): draw_grid_7seg(d, x, 0, 7, DIGITS[num // 10], (255, 255, 255)) draw_grid_7seg(d, x + 5, 0, 7, DIGITS[num % 10], (255, 255, 255)) def render_colon(d): draw_grid_Vseg(d, 11, 2, 7, 2, (255, 255, 255)) draw_grid_Vseg(d, 11, 4, 7, 2, (255, 255, 255)) def render_text(d, text, blankidx=None): bs = bytearray(text) if blankidx is not None: bs[blankidx:blankidx + 1] = b'_' if MODE == DISPLAY: ltime = utime.localtime() wday = ltime[6] d.print(DAY_STRING[wday] + bs.decode(), fg=(128, 128, 128), bg=None, posx=5, posy=54) else: fg_color = (0, 255, 128) if MODE in (CHANGE_YEAR, CHANGE_MONTH, CHANGE_DAY) else (0, 128, 128) d.print(MODES[MODE], fg=fg_color, bg=None, posx=5, posy=54) def render_bar(d, num): d.rect(5, 72, 0 + num * 2, 80, col=(int(255 // 52) * num, int(255 // 52) * num, int(255 // 52) * num)) def render(d): year, month, mday, hour, min, sec, wday, yday = utime.localtime() d.clear() ctrl_backlight(d) if MODE == CHANGE_YEAR: render_num(d, year // 100, 1) render_num(d, year % 100, 13) elif MODE == CHANGE_MONTH: render_num(d, month, 13) elif MODE == CHANGE_DAY: render_num(d, mday, 13) else: render_num(d, hour, 1) render_num(d, min, 13) if MODE not in (CHANGE_YEAR, CHANGE_MONTH, CHANGE_DAY) and sec % 2 == 0: render_colon(d) formatted_date = "{:02}.".format(mday) + MONTH_STRING[month - 1] + str(year)[2:] render_text(d, formatted_date, None) render_battery(d) render_bar(d, sec) d.update() PREV_SECOND = 0 def render_every_second(display): t = utime.localtime() sec = t[5] global PREV_SECOND if PREV_SECOND < sec: render(display) if sec is 59: PREV_SECOND = -1 else: PREV_SECOND += 1 BUTTON_SEL = 1 << 0 BUTTON_UP = 1 << 1 BUTTON_DOWN = 1 << 2 BUTTON_SEL_LONG = 1 << 3 BUTTON_UP_LONG = 1 << 4 BUTTON_DOWN_LONG = 1 << 5 pressed_prev = 0 button_sel_time = 0 button_up_time = 0 button_down_time = 0 def check_buttons(): global pressed_prev, button_sel_time, button_up_time, button_down_time t = utime.time() pressed = | buttons.TOP_RIGHT | buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT) cur_buttons = 0 if pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT and not pressed_prev & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT: button_sel_time = t elif not pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT and pressed_prev & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT: if button_sel_time < t: cur_buttons |= BUTTON_SEL_LONG else: cur_buttons |= BUTTON_SEL if pressed & buttons.TOP_RIGHT and not pressed_prev & buttons.TOP_RIGHT: button_sel_time = t elif not pressed & buttons.TOP_RIGHT and pressed_prev & buttons.TOP_RIGHT: if button_sel_time < t: cur_buttons |= BUTTON_UP_LONG else: cur_buttons |= BUTTON_UP if pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT and not pressed_prev & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT: button_sel_time = t elif not pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT and pressed_prev & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT: if button_sel_time < t: cur_buttons |= BUTTON_DOWN_LONG else: cur_buttons |= BUTTON_DOWN pressed_prev = pressed return cur_buttons def modTime(yrs, mth, day, hrs, mns, sec): ltime = utime.localtime() new = utime.mktime( (ltime[0] + yrs, ltime[1] + mth, ltime[2] + day, ltime[3] + hrs, ltime[4] + mns, ltime[5] + sec, None, None)) utime.set_time(new) def ctrl_display(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = CHANGE_HOURS def ctrl_chg_hrs(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = DISPLAY if bs & BUTTON_SEL: MODE = CHANGE_MINUTES if bs & BUTTON_UP or bs & BUTTON_UP_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) if bs & BUTTON_DOWN or bs & BUTTON_DOWN_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0) def ctrl_chg_mns(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = DISPLAY if bs & BUTTON_SEL: MODE = CHANGE_SECONDS if bs & BUTTON_UP or bs & BUTTON_UP_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) if bs & BUTTON_DOWN or bs & BUTTON_DOWN_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0) def ctrl_chg_sec(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = DISPLAY if bs & BUTTON_SEL: MODE = CHANGE_YEAR if bs & BUTTON_UP or bs & BUTTON_UP_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) if bs & BUTTON_DOWN or bs & BUTTON_DOWN_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) def ctrl_chg_yrs(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = DISPLAY if bs & BUTTON_SEL: MODE = CHANGE_MONTH if bs & BUTTON_UP or bs & BUTTON_UP_LONG: modTime(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) if bs & BUTTON_DOWN or bs & BUTTON_DOWN_LONG: modTime(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) def ctrl_chg_mth(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = DISPLAY if bs & BUTTON_SEL: MODE = CHANGE_DAY if bs & BUTTON_UP or bs & BUTTON_UP_LONG: modTime(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) if bs & BUTTON_DOWN or bs & BUTTON_DOWN_LONG: modTime(0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0) def ctrl_chg_day(bs): global MODE if bs & BUTTON_SEL_LONG: MODE = DISPLAY if bs & BUTTON_SEL: MODE = CHANGE_HOURS if bs & BUTTON_UP or bs & BUTTON_UP_LONG: modTime(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) if bs & BUTTON_DOWN or bs & BUTTON_DOWN_LONG: modTime(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0) def ctrl_backlight(d): light = light_sensor.get_reading() display_brightness = int(light // 4) if light >= 4 else 1 display_brightness = 100 if light > 300 else display_brightness d.backlight(display_brightness) # MODE values DISPLAY = 0 CHANGE_HOURS = 1 CHANGE_MINUTES = 2 CHANGE_SECONDS = 3 CHANGE_YEAR = 4 CHANGE_MONTH = 5 CHANGE_DAY = 6 MODE = DISPLAY MODES = { DISPLAY: '---', CHANGE_HOURS: '>-----HOURS', CHANGE_MINUTES: '>---MINUTES', CHANGE_SECONDS: '>---SECONDS', CHANGE_YEAR: '>------YEAR', CHANGE_MONTH: '>-----MONTH', CHANGE_DAY: '>-------DAY', } CTRL_FNS = { DISPLAY: ctrl_display, CHANGE_HOURS: ctrl_chg_hrs, CHANGE_MINUTES: ctrl_chg_mns, CHANGE_SECONDS: ctrl_chg_sec, CHANGE_YEAR: ctrl_chg_yrs, CHANGE_MONTH: ctrl_chg_mth, CHANGE_DAY: ctrl_chg_day, } def main(): light_sensor.start() with as d: while True: bs = check_buttons() CTRL_FNS[MODE](bs) if MODE == DISPLAY: render_every_second(d) else: render(d) main()