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36C3 Clock
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import os import utime import display import light_sensor import power import buttons import leds import personal_state import ujson import urandom import color DAYCHANGE = [7,0] #Time when day counter should change (default: 07:00 a.m.), because most nerds don't sleep at 0:00 mode = "DESTRUCTION" PATH = "/apps/36c3_clock" #For button mappings see line 73+ COLOR_BACKGROUND = [0,0,0] COLOR_MAINTEXT = [208,208,206] COLOR_DESTRUCTION = [254,80,0] COLOR_HOPE = [0,187,49] BATTERY_COLOR_GOOD = [0, 128, 0] BATTERY_COLOR_OK = [128, 100, 0] BATTERY_COLOR_BAD = [128, 0, 0] DAY0 = utime.mktime((2019,12,26,DAYCHANGE[0],DAYCHANGE[1],0,0,0)) states = [ ("No State", personal_state.NO_STATE), ("No Contact", personal_state.NO_CONTACT), ("Chaos", personal_state.CHAOS), ("Communication", personal_state.COMMUNICATION), ("Camp", personal_state.CAMP), ] CRACKNAMES = [] for n in range(10): CRACKNAMES += [n] DOTNAMES = [] for n in range(6): DOTNAMES += ["DOT_"+str(n)] CRACKDOTS_TOP = [] for n in range(4): CRACKDOTS_TOP += ["CRACK_T"+str(n)] CRACKDOTS_BOT = [] for n in range(4): CRACKDOTS_BOT += ["CRACK_B"+str(n)] SWITCHTOTIMER = 0 if 'timer' in os.listdir('/apps'): if 'variables.json' in os.listdir('/apps/timer'): f = open('/apps/timer/variables.json', 'r') try: variables = ujson.loads( if "mode" and "runstamp" in variables: if variables["mode"] == 1: SWITCHTOTIMER = variables["runstamp"] except: pass f.close() alarm_hour = -1 alarm_minute = -1 if 'control_center' in os.listdir('/apps'): if 'cc_settings.txt' in os.listdir('/apps/control_center'): try: with open('/apps/control_center/cc_settings.txt') as cc_settings: trash = int( #I don't need the firs 4 chars if int( != 0: alarm_hour = int( alarm_minute = int( except: pass pressed_prev = 0 button_sel_time = 0 button_up_time = 0 button_down_time = 0 flashlight_led = 0 flashlight_bar = 0 def check_buttons(): global pressed_prev, button_sel_time, button_up_time, button_down_time, flashlight_led, flashlight_bar, mode, SWITCHTOTIMER t = utime.time_ms() pressed = | buttons.TOP_RIGHT | buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT) if pressed & buttons.TOP_RIGHT and not pressed_prev & buttons.TOP_RIGHT: button_sel_time = t elif not pressed & buttons.TOP_RIGHT and pressed_prev & buttons.TOP_RIGHT: if button_sel_time+250 < t: #LONG PRESSED SET os.exec("apps/timer/") #switch app to timer else: #SHORT PRESS SET if mode != "DESTRUCTION": #switch clock design mode = "DESTRUCTION" else: mode = "HOPE" if pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT and not pressed_prev & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT: button_up_time = t elif not pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT and pressed_prev & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT: if button_up_time+250 < t: #LONG PRESSED UP flashlight_bar+=4 #change flashlight bar brightness if flashlight_bar > 8: flashlight_bar = 0 leds.dim_top(flashlight_bar) for led in range(0,11): leds.set(led, [255,255,255]) else: #SHORT PRESSED UP flashlight_bar=0 #deactivate flashlight bar and toggle flashlight led leds.dim_top(0) if flashlight_led == 0: leds.set_flashlight(1) flashlight_led = 1 else: leds.set_flashlight(0) flashlight_led = 0 if pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT and not pressed_prev & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT: button_down_time = t elif not pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT and pressed_prev & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT: if button_down_time+250 < t: #LONG PRESSED DOWN os.exec("apps/ecg/") #switch app to ecg else: #SHORT PRESSED DOWN numstates = len(states) #switch personal state current, _ = personal_state.get() current = (current + 1) % numstates state = states[current] personal_state.set(state[1], True) pressed_prev = pressed if SWITCHTOTIMER > 0 and SWITCHTOTIMER <= utime.time_ms()+3000: os.exec("apps/timer/") def get_bat_color(v): if v > 3.8: return BATTERY_COLOR_GOOD if v > 3.6: return BATTERY_COLOR_OK return BATTERY_COLOR_BAD def render_battery(display, pos_x=142, pos_y=72): v = os.read_battery() c = get_bat_color(v) if not c: return display.rect(pos_x, pos_y, pos_x + 15, pos_y + 7, filled=True, col=c) display.rect(pos_x + 15, pos_y + 2, pos_x + 17, pos_y + 5, filled=True, col=c) if v < 4.0: display.rect(pos_x + 11, pos_y + 1, pos_x + 14, pos_y + 6, filled=True, col=[0, 0, 0]) if v < 3.8: display.rect(pos_x + 6, pos_y + 1, pos_x + 11, pos_y + 6, filled=True, col=[0, 0, 0]) if v < 3.6: display.rect(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 1, pos_x + 6, pos_y + 6, filled=True, col=[0, 0, 0]) render_charging(display, pos_x + 6, pos_y) def render_charging(display, pos_x, pos_y): v_in = power.read_chargein_voltage() if v_in > 4.0: c = [0, 0, 0] c_shade = [120, 120, 120] display.pixel(pos_x + 1, pos_y, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 1, pos_y, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 2, pos_y, col=c_shade) display.pixel(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 1, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x, pos_y + 1, col=c_shade) display.pixel(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 2, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x, pos_y + 2, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x, pos_y + 3, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 3, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 2, pos_y + 3, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 3, pos_y + 3, col=c_shade) display.pixel(pos_x + 2, pos_y + 4, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 3, pos_y + 4, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 4, pos_y + 4, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 4, col=c_shade) display.pixel(pos_x + 3, pos_y + 5, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 4, pos_y + 5, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 3, pos_y + 6, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 4, pos_y + 6, col=c_shade) display.pixel(pos_x + 3, pos_y + 7, col=c) display.pixel(pos_x + 2, pos_y + 7, col=c_shade) def render_char_new(display, char, start_x, start_y, digitcolor, mode="DESTRUCTION", cracks=[]): char_data = open(PATH+'/'+char+'.txt', 'r') line_data = char_data.readlines() char_data.close() cracks_in = [] cracks_out = [] cracks_anker = [] leafs = [] for i in cracks: cracks_in += [chr(0x41+i)] cracks_out += [chr(0x61+i)] cracks_anker += [chr(0x30+i)] for y in range(len(line_data)): for x in range(len(line_data[y])): if (line_data[y][x] in cracks_in) or (line_data[y][x] in cracks_out): if mode == "HOPE": display.pixel(start_x+x, start_y+y, col=COLOR_HOPE) elif line_data[y][x] in cracks_anker: if len(line_data[y]) > 30: leafs += [[start_x+x, start_y+y, x>18]] else: leafs += [[start_x+x, start_y+y, x>8]] elif line_data[y][x] in ['*','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J']: display.pixel(start_x+x, start_y+y, col=digitcolor) check_buttons() # display.update() return leafs def render_leafs(display, leafs): for leaf in leafs: dir = 1-(leaf[2]*2) display.pixel(leaf[0]-0*dir, leaf[1]-0, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-1*dir, leaf[1]-1, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-2*dir, leaf[1]-2, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-3*dir, leaf[1]-3, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-4*dir, leaf[1]-3, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-5*dir, leaf[1]-3, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-6*dir, leaf[1]-3, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-6*dir, leaf[1]-4, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-7*dir, leaf[1]-3, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-6*dir, leaf[1]-2, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-0*dir, leaf[1]-1, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-0*dir, leaf[1]-2, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-0*dir, leaf[1]-3, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-1*dir, leaf[1]-4, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-2*dir, leaf[1]-5, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-3*dir, leaf[1]-6, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-4*dir, leaf[1]-6, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-5*dir, leaf[1]-6, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-6*dir, leaf[1]-6, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-7*dir, leaf[1]-6, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-8*dir, leaf[1]-6, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-9*dir, leaf[1]-6, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-10*dir, leaf[1]-6, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-11*dir, leaf[1]-6, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-12*dir, leaf[1]-6, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-13*dir, leaf[1]-6, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-12*dir, leaf[1]-5, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-11*dir, leaf[1]-4, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-10*dir, leaf[1]-3, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-9*dir, leaf[1]-2, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-8*dir, leaf[1]-1, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-7*dir, leaf[1]-0, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-6*dir, leaf[1]-0, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-5*dir, leaf[1]-0, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-4*dir, leaf[1]-0, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-4*dir, leaf[1]-1, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-3*dir, leaf[1]-0, col=COLOR_HOPE) display.pixel(leaf[0]-4*dir, leaf[1]+1, col=COLOR_HOPE) def render_caption(display, pos_x, pos_y, caption, captioncolor = COLOR_DESTRUCTION, y_shift = 0): y = 0.5 display.line(pos_x-7-(len(caption)-1)*8,int(pos_y-6+y_shift*(len(caption)-1)+y),156,pos_y-6, col = captioncolor) display.line(pos_x-7-(len(caption)-1)*8,int(pos_y-5+y_shift*(len(caption)-1)+y),156,pos_y-5, col = captioncolor) display.line(pos_x-7-(len(caption)-1)*8,int(pos_y+6+y_shift*(len(caption)-1)+y),156,pos_y+6, col = captioncolor) display.line(pos_x-7-(len(caption)-1)*8,int(pos_y+7+y_shift*(len(caption)-1)+y),156,pos_y+7, col = captioncolor) for n in range(len(caption)): display.rect(pos_x-7-n*8,int(pos_y-5+y),pos_x-n*8,int(pos_y+6+y), col = captioncolor, filled=False, size=1) render_char_new(display, "LITTLE_"+caption[-(n+1):][0], pos_x-6-n*8,int(pos_y-4+y), captioncolor) y += y_shift def shuffle(list): listlen = len(list) for a in range(listlen): b = urandom.randrange(listlen) list[a], list[b] = list[b], list[a] def render_clock(display, mode): time=utime.time()+3 #render will take about 3 seconds, so an offset is added shuffle(CRACKNAMES) cracks = 0 print_cracks = [[],[],[],[],[]] for n in range(5): for i in range(urandom.randrange(1,3)): print_cracks[n] += [CRACKNAMES[cracks]] cracks += 1 shuffle(print_cracks) year, month, mday, hour, min, sec, wday, yday = utime.localtime(time) caption = "DAY "+str((time-DAY0)//(3600*24)) display.clear() if hour == alarm_hour and min == alarm_minute: display.print(" Switching ", posx=3, posy=10, fg=color.WHITE) display.print("to Control ", posx=3, posy=30, fg=color.WHITE) display.print("Center app.", posx=3, posy=50, fg=color.WHITE) display.update() display.backlight(23) os.exec("apps/control_center/") leafs=[] leafs+=render_char_new(display, "BIG_"+str(hour//10), 0,5, COLOR_MAINTEXT, mode, print_cracks[0]) leafs+=render_char_new(display, "BIG_"+str(hour%10), 36,5, COLOR_MAINTEXT, mode, print_cracks[1]) leafs+=render_char_new(display, "DOTS_"+str(urandom.randrange(6)), 72,39, COLOR_MAINTEXT, mode, print_cracks[2]) leafs+=render_char_new(display, "BIG_"+str(min//10), 85,5, COLOR_MAINTEXT, mode, print_cracks[3]) leafs+=render_char_new(display, "BIG_"+str(min%10), 121,5, COLOR_MAINTEXT, mode, print_cracks[4]) if mode != "HOPE": captioncolor = COLOR_DESTRUCTION else: captioncolor = COLOR_HOPE render_leafs(display,leafs) y_shift = urandom.random() + 1/len(caption) y = 0.5 if urandom.randrange(2) == 1: y_shift = y_shift*-1 render_caption(display, 156, 57, caption, captioncolor, y_shift) oldmode = "" oldbar = -1 top = 10 bot = 10 rendered = False x = os.urandom(1)[0] for i in range(32): x+=os.urandom(1)[0] urandom.seed(x) with as display: while True: if mode != oldmode: oldmode = mode rendered = False display.clear(COLOR_MAINTEXT) if mode != "HOPE": display.print("Loading", posx=31, posy=10, fg=COLOR_DESTRUCTION) display.print("destruction", posx=3, posy=30, fg=COLOR_DESTRUCTION) display.print("clock ...", posx=17, posy=50, fg=COLOR_DESTRUCTION) else: display.print("Loading", posx=31, posy=10, fg=COLOR_HOPE) display.print("hope", posx=52, posy=30, fg=COLOR_HOPE) display.print("clock ...", posx=17, posy=50, fg=COLOR_HOPE) display.update() render_clock(display, mode) display.rect(0, 72, int(139*(utime.time_ms()%60000)/57000), 80, col=COLOR_MAINTEXT) display.update() check_buttons() bar = int(139*(utime.time_ms()%60000)/57000) if bar != oldbar: oldbar = bar if bar <= 139: if mode == "HOPE": display.line(bar, 72, bar, 80, col=COLOR_HOPE) top += urandom.random()*4-2 bot += urandom.random()*4-2 if top < 8: top += (8-top)*(8-top)/32 if top > 12: top = 12 if top < 0: top = 0 if bot < 8: bot += (8-bot)*(8-bot)/32 if bot > 12: bot = 12 if bot < 0: bot = 0 if (bot + top) < 2: top += 0.5 bot += 0.5 cuttop = 79 - top cutbot = 73 + bot if cuttop < 72: cuttop = 72 if cutbot > 80: cutbot = 80 display.line(bar, int(cuttop), bar, int(cutbot), col=COLOR_MAINTEXT) render_battery(display) display.update() rendered = False elif rendered == False: render_clock(display, mode) rendered = True