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import os import display as mod_display import utime import leds import bme680 import color import buttons # TODO: read this from config ENABLE_LED = True BRIGHTNESS = 200 DIGITS = [ (True, True, True, True, True, True, False), (False, True, True, False, False, False, False), (True, True, False, True, True, False, True), (True, True, True, True, False, False, True), (False, True, True, False, False, True, True), (True, False, True, True, False, True, True), (True, False, True, True, True, True, True), (True, True, True, False, False, False, False), (True, True, True, True, True, True, True), (True, True, True, True, False, True, True) ] MONTH_STRING = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ] BATTERY_COLOR_GOOD = [0, 230, 0] BATTERY_COLOR_OK = [255, 215, 0] BATTERY_COLOR_BAD = [255, 0, 0] # structure: (start, end, buildup, teardown) events = [ ((2019, 8, 21), (2019, 8, 25), 5, 5), ((2019, 12, 27), (2019, 12, 30), 5, 5) ] def get_ccc_day(): ''' Return day of current CCC event ''' (year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, weekday, _yday) = \ utime.localtime() for start, end, buildup, teardown in events: start_year, end_year = start[0], end[0] start_month, end_month = start[1], end[1] start_day, end_day = start[2], end[2] if year in range(start_year, end_year + 1) \ and month in range(start_month, end_month + 1) \ and day in range(start_day - buildup, end_day + 1 + teardown): color = (255, 0, 0) \ if day < start_day or day > end_day else (0, 255, 0) return day - (start_day - 1), color def get_battery_color(voltage): if voltage > 3.8: return BATTERY_COLOR_GOOD if voltage > 3.6: return BATTERY_COLOR_OK return BATTERY_COLOR_BAD class Rainbow: ''' Forked from ''' SMTH = 260 LED_COUNT = 10 + 1 # add one for convenience # Calculate the HSV color steps for the 11 LEDs STEP = int(SMTH / LED_COUNT) def __init__(self): leds.clear() self.states = [] self.setup() def setup(self): # prepare the initial color for each of the 11 LEDs for i in range(0, self.LED_COUNT): self.states.append(int(self.STEP * i)) def step(self): # set every LED to its current color value for i in range(0, self.LED_COUNT): leds.prep_hsv(i, [self.states[i], 1, 0.5]) leds.update() leds.dim_top(3) # wait a certain amount of time utime.sleep(0.1) # prepare the next color for each LED for i in range(0, self.LED_COUNT): self.states[i] = (self.states[i] + self.STEP) % self.SMTH def stop(self): leds.clear() class Clock: ''' Forked from ''' def loop(self): rainbow = Rainbow() bme680.init() led_enabled = ENABLE_LED with as display: display.backlight(25) while True: self.update_clock(display) if print('button pressed') led_enabled = not led_enabled if not led_enabled: # turn off leds rainbow.stop() for _ in range(5): if led_enabled: rainbow.step() utime.sleep(0.1) def render_battery(self, display, voltage): color = get_battery_color(voltage) xe = 160 if voltage < 3.6: xe = 120 elif voltage < 3.8: xe = 140 elif voltage < 4.0: xe = 160 display.rect(0, 52, xe, 57, filled=True, col=color) def render_date(self, display, date, fg): display.print(date, fg=fg, posx=0, posy=60) def render_temperature(self, display, temperature): display.print( '{:2.0f}C'.format(temperature), posx=115, posy=60, fg=color.WHITE ) def ceilDiv(self, a, b): return (a + (b - 1)) // b def tipHeight(self, w): return self.ceilDiv(w, 2) - 1 def drawTip(self, d, x, y, w, c, invert=False, swapAxes=False): h = self.tipHeight(w) for dy in range(h): for dx in range(dy + 1, w - 1 - dy): px = x + dx py = y + dy if not invert else y + h - 1 - dy if swapAxes: px, py = py, px d.pixel(px, py, col=c) def drawSeg(self, d, x, y, w, h, c, swapAxes=False): tip_h = self.tipHeight(w) body_h = h - 2 * tip_h self.drawTip(d, x, y, w, c, invert=True, swapAxes=swapAxes) px1, px2 = x, x + w py1, py2 = y + tip_h, y + tip_h + body_h if swapAxes: px1, px2, py1, py2 = py1, py2, px1, px2 d.rect(px1, py1, px2, py2, col=c) self.drawTip(d, x, y + tip_h + body_h, w, c, invert=False, swapAxes=swapAxes) def drawGridSeg(self, d, x, y, w, l, c, swapAxes=False): sw = w - 2 tip_h = self.tipHeight(sw) x = x * w y = y * w l = (l - 1) * w self.drawSeg(d, x + 1, y + tip_h + 3, sw, l - 3, c, swapAxes=swapAxes) def drawGridVSeg(self, d, x, y, w, l, c): self.drawGridSeg(d, x, y, w, l, c) def drawGridHSeg(self, d, x, y, w, l, c): self.drawGridSeg(d, y, x, w, l, c, swapAxes=True) def drawGrid7Seg(self, d, x, y, w, segs, c): if segs[0]: self.drawGridHSeg(d, x, y, w, 4, c) if segs[1]: self.drawGridVSeg(d, x + 3, y, w, 4, c) if segs[2]: self.drawGridVSeg(d, x + 3, y + 3, w, 4, c) if segs[3]: self.drawGridHSeg(d, x, y + 6, w, 4, c) if segs[4]: self.drawGridVSeg(d, x, y + 3, w, 4, c) if segs[5]: self.drawGridVSeg(d, x, y, w, 4, c) if segs[6]: self.drawGridHSeg(d, x, y + 3, w, 4, c) def renderNum(self, d, num, x, c): self.drawGrid7Seg(d, x, 0, 7, DIGITS[num // 10], c) self.drawGrid7Seg(d, x + 5, 0, 7, DIGITS[num % 10], c) def renderColon(self, d, c): self.drawGridVSeg(d, 11, 2, 7, 2, c) self.drawGridVSeg(d, 11, 4, 7, 2, c) def update_clock(self, display): fgcol = (55 * BRIGHTNESS, 55 * BRIGHTNESS, 55 * BRIGHTNESS) display.clear() (year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, weekday, _yday) = utime.localtime() self.renderNum(display, hour, 1, fgcol) self.renderNum(display, minute, 13, fgcol) self.renderColon(display, fgcol) self.render_battery(display, os.read_battery()) temperature, humidity, pressure, resistance = bme680.get_data() self.render_temperature(display, temperature) ccc_day = get_ccc_day() if ccc_day: date = 'Day {}'.format(ccc_day[0]) date_color = ccc_day[1] else: date = '{}.{}'.format(day, MONTH_STRING[month - 1]) date_color = (255, 255, 255) self.render_date(display, date, date_color) display.update() clock = Clock() clock.loop()