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MCH2022 badge?
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## keycard-class import hashlib from binascii import hexlify ## ui-class from time import sleep, sleep_ms import display import buttons import sys import system import identification import json KEYS = { b"t": {"name": "Techie", "key": b'793f4a34debf4ed18b27'}, b"f": {"name": "Fixer", "key": b'e85d8ea54fa115a979c8'}, b"r": {"name": "Rocker", "key": b'd244ea7b55b566935460'}, b"n": {"name": "Netrunner", "key": b'6942fbc3ee60b2282638'}, b"c": {"name": "Corporate", "key": b'822423ab2f58df256c82'} } types = [ (b"t", "Techie"), (b"f", "Fixer"), (b"r", "Rocker"), (b"n", "Netrunner"), (b"c", "Corporate") ] class badge_ui: def __init__(self, keycard=None, test=False): self.credentials = [] if test: self.credentials = [ {"host": "host0", "username": "user1", "password": "password1"}, {"host": "host1", "username": "user2", "password": "password2"} ] self.keyfile_path = "storage.key" self.logfile_path = "badge_logfile" self.memory_index = 0 self.scroll_index = 0 self.multiline_window_height = 1 self.font = "Roboto_Regular12" self.keycard = keycard try: self.load_credentials() except OSError: pass def word_wrap(self, text, font="Roboto_Regular12"): screen_width = display.width() text_width = display.getTextWidth(text, font) lines = [] if screen_width > text_width: lines.append(text) else: tmp = "" buf = "" lines = [] for char in text: tmp += char if screen_width < display.getTextWidth(tmp, font): lines.append(buf) buf = "" tmp = "" + char if char == '\r': lines.append(buf) buf = "" tmp = "" buf += char if len(buf) > 0: lines.append(buf) return lines def drawMultiline(self, lines, font="Roboto_Regular12"): # Use word_wrap() to split long texts into multiple lines self.scroll_index = 0 self.scroll_lines = lines self.font = font y_diff = display.getTextHeight("I", font) + 1 y_coord = 0 self.multiline_window_height = int(display.height() / y_diff) - 1 # Number of lines for screen display.drawFill(0x000000) # Fill the screen with black header = "KEY " + str(self.memory_index + 1) + "/" + str(len(self.credentials)) + " " + "ROW " + str(self.scroll_index + 1) + "/" + str(len(self.scroll_lines)) display.drawText(0, y_coord, header, 0xFFFFFF, font) y_coord += y_diff for line in self.scroll_lines[self.scroll_index:self.multiline_window_height + self.scroll_index]: display.drawText(0, y_coord, line, 0xFFFFFF, font) y_coord += y_diff display.flush() # Write the contents of the buffer to the display buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_UP, self.multiline_down) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_DOWN, self.multiline_up) def multiline_up(self, pressed): if pressed: if self.scroll_index < (len(self.scroll_lines) - self.multiline_window_height): self.scroll_index += 1 y_diff = display.getTextHeight("I", self.font) + 1 y_coord = 0 display.drawFill(0x000000) # Fill the screen with black header = "KEY " + str(self.memory_index + 1) + "/" + str(len(self.credentials)) + " " + "ROW " + str(self.scroll_index + 1) + "/" + str(len(self.scroll_lines)) display.drawText(0, y_coord, header, 0xFFFFFF, self.font) y_coord += y_diff for line in self.scroll_lines[self.scroll_index:self.multiline_window_height + self.scroll_index]: display.drawText(0, y_coord, line, 0xFFFFFF, self.font) y_coord += y_diff display.flush() # Write the contents of the buffer to the display def multiline_down(self, pressed): if pressed: if self.scroll_index > 0: self.scroll_index -= 1 y_diff = display.getTextHeight("I", self.font) + 1 y_coord = 0 display.drawFill(0x000000) # Fill the screen with black header = "KEY " + str(self.memory_index + 1) + "/" + str(len(self.credentials)) + " " + "ROW " + str(self.scroll_index + 1) + "/" + str(len(self.scroll_lines)) display.drawText(0, y_coord, header, 0xFFFFFF, self.font) y_coord += y_diff for line in self.scroll_lines[self.scroll_index:self.multiline_window_height + self.scroll_index]: display.drawText(0, y_coord, line, 0xFFFFFF, self.font) y_coord += y_diff display.flush() # Write the contents of the buffer to the display def memory_up(self, pressed): if pressed: if self.memory_index < len(self.credentials) - 1: self.memory_index += 1 else: self.memory_index = 0 self.refresh() def memory_down(self, pressed): if pressed: if self.memory_index > 0: self.memory_index -= 1 else: self.memory_index = len(self.credentials) - 1 self.refresh() def show_creds(self, credentials=None): display.drawFill(0x000000) # Fill the screen with black if credentials is None: display.drawText(10, 2, "HELLO " +, 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") display.drawLine(5, 16, 123, 16, 0xFFFFFF) # Draw a white line from (10,10) to (20,20) display.drawText(10, 18, "EMPTY MEMORY", 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") display.drawText(10, 32, "A: TRANSMIT", 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") display.drawText(10, 44, "B: BACK", 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") elif "host" in credentials: host = credentials["host"] username = credentials["username"] password = credentials["password"] display.drawText(10, 5, host, 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") display.drawLine(5, 30, 123, 30, 0xFFFFFF) # Draw a white line from (10,10) to (20,20) display.drawText(10, 35, username, 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") display.drawText(10, 50, password, 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") else: self.drawMultiline(self.word_wrap(credentials)) display.flush() # Write the contents of the buffer to the display def send(self, pressed): if pressed: logfile = open(self.logfile_path, 'w') rx = False retry_count = 5 res = "WAITING RESPONSE" while rx is False and retry_count > 0: display.drawFill(0x000000) # Fill the screen with black display.drawText(10, 5, "SENDING", 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular18") display.drawLine(5, 30, 123, 30, 0xFFFFFF) # Draw a white line from (10,10) to (20,20) display.drawText(10, 35, str(retry_count), 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") display.drawText(10, 50, res, 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") display.flush() # Write the contents of the buffer to the display c.send() sleep(0.1) c.send() sleep(0.1) rx = sys.stdin.readline() # !!! This is blocking call, better solution needed. logfile.write(rx) logfile.write(b"\n") if rx[0] == "#": # Potential credential data received self.credentials.append(rx) self.store_credentials() break else: res = rx rx = False retry_count -= 1 if rx is False: display.drawFill(0x000000) # Fill the screen with black display.drawText(10, 5, "TIMEOUT", 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular18") display.drawLine(5, 30, 123, 30, 0xFFFFFF) # Draw a white line from (10,10) to (20,20) display.drawText(10, 35, "RECEIVED NO", 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") display.drawText(10, 50, "CREDENTIALS", 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") display.flush() # Write the contents of the buffer to the display sleep_ms(5000) logfile.close() self.refresh() def store_credentials(self): with open(self.keyfile_path, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps({"credentials": self.credentials})) def load_credentials(self): with open(self.keyfile_path, 'r') as f: try: d = json.load(f) if "credentials" in d: self.credentials = d["credentials"] except ValueError: pass def refresh(self, pressed=True): if pressed: if len(self.credentials) == 0: self.show_creds(None) else: self.show_creds(self.credentials[self.memory_index]) def exit(self, pressed): if pressed: system.home() class keycard: def __init__(self): ident = identification.detect_type() self.i = 0 if "type" in ident and "name" in ident: self.type = ident["type"] = ident["name"] self.key = KEYS[self.type]["key"] else: self.type = None = "Unidentified" self.key = None def send(self): """ Sends type and key via serial """ m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(self.type + self.key) checksum = m.digest() packet = b"# " + self.type + self.key + checksum print(str(hexlify(packet), 'utf-8')) def impersonate(self, pressed=True): if pressed: self.i += 1 if self.i >= len(types): self.i = 0 self.type = types[self.i][0] = types[self.i][1] self.key = KEYS[self.type]["key"] display.drawFill(0x000000) # Fill the screen with black display.drawText(10, 10, "switched to", 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") display.drawText(10, 35,, 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") display.drawText(10, 50, "(B to go back)", 0xFFFFFF, "Roboto_Regular12") display.flush() # Write the contents of the buffer to the display c = keycard() b = badge_ui(keycard=c) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_B, b.refresh) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_SELECT, c.impersonate) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_START, b.exit) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_A, b.send) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_RIGHT, b.memory_up) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_LEFT, b.memory_down) b.refresh()