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Badg-e-book alpha
MCH2022 badge?
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import ugfx ugfx.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() real_screen_size = (296, 128) screen_size = (real_screen_size[0]-15,real_screen_size[1]) font_types = ( ("Roboto_Regular12", 12, 45), ("Roboto_Regular18", 18, 33), ("Roboto_Regular22", 22, 20)) def get_string_width(string, font_id): return ugfx.get_string_width(string, font_types[font_id][0]) def parse_input_line(input_line, breaking_mode): if input_line.startswith("###"): font_id = 0 elif input_line.startswith("##"): font_id = 1 elif input_line.startswith("#"): font_id = 2 else: font_id = 0 input_line = input_line.lstrip("#") if breaking_mode=="better": output_lines = [""] output_fonts = [font_id] counter = 0 current_width = 0 for char in input_line: current_char_width = get_string_width(char, font_id) if current_width + current_char_width < screen_size[0]: output_lines[counter] += char current_width += current_char_width else: output_lines += [char] output_fonts += [font_id] counter += 1 current_width = 0 elif breaking_mode == "worse": output_lines = [] output_fonts = [] length = font_types[font_id][2] while input_line: if len(input_line) >= length: output_lines += [input_line[:length]] output_fonts += [font_id] input_line = input_line[length:] else: output_lines += [input_line] output_fonts += [font_id] input_line = "" else: raise ValueError("this breaking mode does not exist") return output_lines, output_fonts def create_view(start_position, action): global view global parsed_lines global parsed_fonts global article_length ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) steps = 0 if action == "next": current_height = 0, font_types[parsed_fonts[start_position]][1] while current_height[1] <= screen_size[1] and steps+start_position < article_length: ugfx.string( 5, current_height[0], parsed_lines[start_position+steps].strip(), font_types[parsed_fonts[start_position+steps]][0], ugfx.BLACK) steps += 1 current_height = (current_height[1], current_height[1] + font_types[parsed_fonts[start_position+steps]][1]) view = (start_position, start_position + steps) elif action == "prev": current_height = 0, font_types[parsed_fonts[start_position]][1] while current_height[1] <= screen_size[1] and steps+start_position > 0: ugfx.string( 5, screen_size[1] - current_height[1], parsed_lines[start_position+steps].strip(), font_types[parsed_fonts[start_position+steps]][0], ugfx.BLACK) steps -= 1 current_height = (current_height[1], current_height[1] + font_types[parsed_fonts[start_position+steps]][1]) view = (start_position+steps, start_position) else: raise ValueError("this action doesn't exist") ugfx.flush() return view def move_view(button_direction, pressed): global view global article_length if pressed: if button_direction == "down": start_position = view[0]+1 action = "next" elif button_direction == "up": start_position = view[0]-1 action = "next" elif button_direction == "right": start_position = view[1] action = "next" elif button_direction == "left": start_position = view[0] action = "prev" else: raise ValueError("this direction doesn't exist") if start_position <= 0: start_position = 0 action = "next" elif start_position >= article_length: start_position = article_length action= "prev" view = create_view(start_position, action) def read(path, breaking_mode="better"): global parsed_lines global parsed_fonts global view global article_length parsed_lines = [] parsed_fonts = [] with open(path) as f: for raw_line in f: temp_parsed_lines, temp_parsed_fonts = parse_input_line(raw_line, breaking_mode) parsed_lines += temp_parsed_lines parsed_fonts += temp_parsed_fonts article_length = len(parsed_lines) view = create_view(0, "next") ugfx.input_init() ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, lambda pressed: move_view("down", pressed)) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, lambda pressed: move_view("up", pressed)) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, lambda pressed: move_view("left", pressed)) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, lambda pressed: move_view("right", pressed)) while True: pass print("This is in a very early alpha, a lot of functions are still missing.\n This program can read markdown file and will interprete a very small subset of markdown's features. \n You can use pandoc to convert ebooks to markdown, for later usage with this script. \nUsage:'/path/to/', <mode>), mode can be any of 'better' or 'worse'.")