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Hackerhotel 2020 game
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#!/usr/bin/env python3 from hackerhotel_2020_game.common import * from hackerhotel_2020_game.literals import * import system system.serialWarning() global inventory global current_effects #################### # not needed in FW # # vv from here vv # #################### DEBUG = 0 badge = 0 if badge % 4 == 0: update_state(110) elif badge % 4 == 1: update_state(111) elif badge % 4 == 2: update_state(112) elif badge % 4 == 3: update_state(113) ### Read the EEPROM data try: directory = '/'.join(__file__.split('/')[:-1]) except: directory = '/' print("Current directory: {}".format(directory)) with open(directory+'/hotel.bin', 'rb') as f: eeprom = #################### # ^^ to here ^^ # #################### ### Start of the game loc = [] loc_offset,loc_action_mask,loc_children,loc_parent = loc2offset(eeprom,loc) current_effects = read_byte_field(eeprom,loc_offset,'effects') inventory = [] #################### # not needed in FW # # vv from here vv # #################### #if args.t: # print_tree(eeprom,[],[-1],0,inventory) while True: if DEBUG: print("\nloc = {}".format(loc)) print("effects = {}".format(current_effects)) print("state = {}".format(game_state)) print("action_mask = {}".format(loc_action_mask)) print("inventory = {}".format(inventory)) print("offset = 0x{:04X}".format(loc_offset)) print("children = {}".format(loc_children)) print() #################### # ^^ to here ^^ # #################### if loc == [0,1]: print(s(eeprom,'CONGRATS')) exit() print(s(eeprom,'LOCATION') + "{}".format(read_string_field(eeprom,loc_offset,'name')),end='') # The effects should be triggered, so no need to print them I think, unless we want to # maybe print the sound effect for those that do not use earplugs ;-) if current_effects != 0: print(s(eeprom,'SPACE') + "{}".format(effects(current_effects))) else: print() # Start with getting user input inp = input(s(eeprom,'PROMPT')) print() if len(inp) == 0: continue if inp == 'IDDQD': exit() inp = inp.lower().split() cmd = inp[0][0] if cmd == 'h' or cmd == '?': show_help(eeprom) if cmd == 'a': show_alphabet(eeprom) if cmd == 'w': who_am_i(eeprom) #################### # not needed in FW # # vv from here vv # #################### elif inp[0] == "tree": print_tree(eeprom,[],loc,0,inventory) elif inp[0] == "debug": DEBUG = not DEBUG print("Debugging: {}".format(DEBUG)) elif cmd == 's': if len(inp) > 1: update_state(int(inp[1])) print("The game state is now:") for i in range(status_bits//8): print("0x{:02X}:{:08b}".format(i,game_state[i])) elif cmd == 'i': if DEBUG: if len(inp) == 3: inventory = [[int(inp[1]),inp[2]]] print("Inventory is now {}".format(inventory)) #################### # ^^ to here ^^ # #################### elif cmd == 'q': print(s(eeprom,'QUIT')) exit() elif cmd == 'l': if len(inp) == 1: # print(read_string_field(eeprom,loc_offset,'desc')) # print(s(eeprom,'LOOK'),end='') # sep = "" # if loc_parent[1] != 0xffff and object_visible(eeprom,loc_parent[1]): # name = read_string_field(eeprom,loc_parent[1],'name') # print("{}".format(name),end='') # sep = s(eeprom,'COMMA') # for i in range(len(loc_children)): # if object_visible(eeprom,loc_children[i][1]): # item = read_byte_field(eeprom,loc_children[i][1],'item_nr') # in_inventory = False # if item != 0: # for inv in range(len(inventory)): # if item == inventory[inv][0]: # in_inventory = True # break # if not in_inventory: # name = read_string_field(eeprom,loc_children[i][1],'name') # print("{}{}".format(sep,name),end='') # sep = s(eeprom,'COMMA') # print() look_around(eeprom, loc_offset, loc_parent, loc_children,inventory) else: look_offset = 0xffff for i in range(len(loc_children)): if object_visible(eeprom,loc_children[i][1]): if inp[1] == loc_children[i][0]: look_offset = loc_children[i][1] break else: if object_visible(eeprom,loc_parent[1]): if inp[1] == loc_parent[0]: look_offset = loc_parent[1] else: print(s(eeprom,'DONTSEE')) continue if look_offset != 0xffff: if (read_byte_field(eeprom,look_offset,'action_mask') & A_LOOK == 0): name = read_string_field(eeprom,look_offset,'name') print(s(eeprom,'CANTLOOK') + "{}".format(name)) continue else: desc = read_string_field(eeprom,look_offset,'desc') print(desc) continue else: invalid(eeprom) elif cmd == 'x': exit_allowed = False if len(loc) == 0: invalid(eeprom) elif len(loc) == 1: msg = check_open_permission(eeprom,0) if msg != "": print(msg) else: exit_allowed = True else: exit_allowed = True if exit_allowed: del loc[-1] loc_offset,loc_action_mask,loc_children,loc_parent = loc2offset(eeprom,loc) current_effects = read_byte_field(eeprom,loc_offset,'effects') elif cmd == 'e' or cmd == 'o': if len(inp) != 2: invalid(eeprom) else: enter_offset = 0xffff for i in range(len(loc_children)): if object_visible(eeprom,loc_children[i][1]): if inp[1][0] == loc_children[i][0]: enter_offset = loc_children[i][1] break else: if object_visible(eeprom,loc_parent[1]): if inp[1][0] == loc_parent[0]: enter_offset = loc_parent[1] if enter_offset != 0xffff: enter_action_mask = read_byte_field(eeprom,enter_offset,'action_mask') if cmd == 'e' and (enter_action_mask & A_ENTER == 0): print(s(eeprom,'CANTENTER')) continue elif cmd == 'o' and (enter_action_mask & A_OPEN == 0): print(s(eeprom,'CANTOPEN')) continue msg = check_open_permission(eeprom,enter_offset) if msg != "": print(msg) continue else: if enter_offset != loc_parent[1]: loc.append(i) else: del(loc[-1]) loc_offset,loc_action_mask,loc_children,loc_parent = loc2offset(eeprom,loc) current_effects = read_byte_field(eeprom,loc_offset,'effects') look_around(eeprom, loc_offset, loc_parent, loc_children,inventory) continue else: print(s(eeprom,'DONTSEE')) elif cmd == 't' or cmd == 'u' or cmd == 'g' or cmd == 'r': if len(inp) < 2 or len(inp)>3: invalid(eeprom) else: item = 0 if len(inp) == 2: obj = inp[1][0] elif len(inp) == 3: obj = inp[2][0] for i in range(len(inventory)): if "["+inp[1][0]+"]" in inventory[i][1].lower(): item = inventory[i][0] break if item == 0: print(s(eeprom,'NOTCARRYING')) continue obj_offset = 0xffff for i in range(len(loc_children)): if object_visible(eeprom,loc_children[i][1]): if obj == loc_children[i][0]: obj_offset = loc_children[i][1] break else: if object_visible(eeprom,loc_parent[1]): if obj == loc_parent[0]: obj_offset = loc_parent[1] if obj_offset == 0xffff: if cmd == 'u' or cmd == 'r': print(s(eeprom,'NOSUCHOBJECT')) else: print(s(eeprom,'NOSUCHPERSON')) continue else: obj_action_mask = read_byte_field(eeprom,obj_offset,'action_mask') msg = check_action_permission(eeprom,obj_offset) request = read_string_field(eeprom,obj_offset,'action_str1') if cmd == 't' and (obj_action_mask & A_TALK == 0): print(s(eeprom,'WHYTALK') + "{}".format(read_string_field(eeprom,obj_offset,'name'))) continue elif cmd == 'u' and (obj_action_mask & A_USE == 0): print(s(eeprom,'CANTUSE')) continue elif cmd == 'r' and (obj_action_mask & A_READ == 0): print(s(eeprom,'CANTREAD')) continue elif msg != "": print(msg) continue if len(request) == 1: if request == '1': # Offer an item by placing it on the altar # print("Special game/challenge 1") if item == 0: print(s(eeprom,'PLEASEOFFER')) continue if item == 31 or item == 32 or item == 33 or item == 34: offering = item - 31 print(s(eeprom,'PRIEST')) response = input(s(eeprom,'RESPONSE')) inp = response.lower().split() if len(inp) != 2: offering = -1 print(s(eeprom,'BADOFFERING')) continue kneelings = ord(inp[0][0]) - 49 if kneelings < 0 or kneelings > 3: offering = -1 print(s(eeprom,'BADOFFERING')) continue if inp[1][0] not in elements: offering = -1 print(s(eeprom,'BADOFFERING')) continue element = elements.index(inp[1][0]) if get_state(110): person = 0 elif get_state(111): person = 1 elif get_state(112): person = 2 elif get_state(113): person = 3 else: print(s(eeprom,'ERROR')) continue answer = ((offering & 2) << 19) + ((offering & 1) << 8) + \ ((element & 2) << 15) + ((element & 1) << 4) + \ ((kneelings & 2) << 11) + ((kneelings & 1)) answer = answer << (3-person) print(s(eeprom,'YOURPART') + "{}".format(answer)) update_state(read_byte_field(eeprom,obj_offset,'action_state')) continue else: print(s(eeprom,'CANTUSEITEM')) continue elif request == '2': print("Special game/challenge 2") else: print("Undefined challenge!") continue elif cmd == 'u' and item != 0 and read_byte_field(eeprom,obj_offset,'action_item') != item: print(s(eeprom,'CANTUSEITEM')) continue elif cmd == 'g' and item != 0 and read_byte_field(eeprom,obj_offset,'action_item') != item: print(s(eeprom,'CANTGIVE')) continue else: if len(request) > 1: print("{}".format(request)) response = input(s(eeprom,'RESPONSE')) if unify(read_string_field(eeprom,obj_offset,'action_str2')) != unify(response): print(s(eeprom,'INCORRECT')) continue update_state(read_byte_field(eeprom,obj_offset,'action_state')) print("{}".format(read_string_field(eeprom,obj_offset,'action_msg'))) elif cmd == 'p': if len(inventory) >= 2: print(s(eeprom,'CARRYTWO')) elif len(inp) != 2: invalid(eeprom) else: obj_offset = 0xffff for i in range(len(loc_children)): if object_visible(eeprom,loc_children[i][1]): if inp[1] == loc_children[i][0]: obj_offset = loc_children[i][1] break if obj_offset == 0xffff: print(s(eeprom,'NOSUCHOBJECT')) continue obj_id = read_byte_field(eeprom,obj_offset,'item_nr') if obj_id != 0: obj_name = read_string_field(eeprom,obj_offset,'name') if [obj_id,obj_name] in inventory: print(s(eeprom,'ALREADYCARRYING')) else: msg = check_action_permission(eeprom,obj_offset) if msg != "": print(msg) continue update_state(read_byte_field(eeprom,obj_offset,'action_state')) print("{}".format(read_string_field(eeprom,obj_offset,'action_msg'))) print(s(eeprom,'NOWCARRING') + "{}".format(obj_name)) inventory.append([obj_id,obj_name]) else: invalid(eeprom) elif cmd == 'd': if len(inventory) == 0: print(s(eeprom,'EMPTYHANDS')) elif len(inp) < 2: invalid(eeprom) else: for i in range(len(inventory)): if "["+inp[1][0]+"]" in inventory[i][1].lower(): print(s(eeprom,'DROPPING') + "{}".format(inventory[i][1])) print(s(eeprom,'RETURNING')) del inventory[i] break else: print(s(eeprom,'NOTCARRYING')) ### end of command options