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import gametest.literals as literals from gametest.lit_offsets import * import machine # these definitions are used for importing the JSON data. I also # use them as constants in, but in the FW source-code, they # can just be DEFINEs in combination with a define for the length # of both of these lists byte_fields = ['effects', # Sound/LED effects to play when entering/opening this room/object 'visible_acl', # status bit needed to show object or look at it 'open_acl', # status bit needed to open/enter object 'action_acl', # first status bit needed to perform an action on the object 'action_mask', # which actions can be performed on this object 'action_item', # item number that can be used on this object 'action_state', # status bit that will change after the action 'item_nr'] # This object has item number X string_fields = ['name', # name to show in lists 'desc', # text to show when looking at the object 'action_str1', # string1 used for an action, like the challenge for a challenge/response action 'action_str2', # string2 used for an action, like the response for a challenge/response action 'open_acl_msg', # text to show when the open_acl prevents opening/entering the object 'action_acl_msg', # text to show when the action_acl prevents an action on the object 'action_msg'] # text to show when an action on the object was successful # For the string fields '*_msg', sound/led effects can be added by adding an # object <fieldname>_effects to the JSON file, this will prepend the string with one # byte containing 0bSSSLLLLL where S is the sound effect and LLL the LED show to play. # No sound effects for these fields show prepend a 0x00 byte to the string. # When entering a new room, the sound effect in 'effects' should be used. # Any time one of the '*_msg' fields is shown, the sound/led effects in the first # byte of the field value should be activated. #################### # not needed in FW # # vv from here vv # #################### sound_effects = ['<none>', 'bad (buzzer)', # 1 can be used when a bad answer is given 'good (bell)', # 2 can be used when a good answer is given 'wind', # 3 'footsteps', # 4 'bleeps', # 5 ATM, laptop 'movingstone', # 6 'meow'] # 7 led_effects = ['<none>', 'flashing red eyes', # 1 can be used when a bad answer is given 'flashing green eyes', # 2 can be used when a good answer is given 'left wing leds up', # 3 'left wing leds down', # 4 'flash both wings', # 5 '<free>', # 6 '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>', '<free>'] #################### # ^^ to here ^^ # #################### global current_effects def effects(e): sound = e>>5 led = e&31 return "[" + sound_effects[sound] + "," + led_effects[led] + "]\n" # Action constants, defining the bits in 'action_mask' A_ENTER = 1 # allowed to enter an object (room, elevator, etc) NB: ENTER and OPEN are mutually exclusive !!! A_OPEN = 2 # allowed to open an object (closet, drawer, etc) NB: ENTER and OPEN are mutually exclusive !!! A_LOOK = 4 # allowed to look at an object from the parent A_TALK = 8 # allowed to talk to an object (barman, receptionist, etc) NB: TALK, USE and READ are mutually exclusive !!! A_USE = 16 # allowed to use an object (like computer, knife, etc) NB: TALK, USE and READ are mutually exclusive !!! A_READ = 32 # allowed to read an object (like computer, knife, etc) NB: TALK, USE and READ are mutually exclusive !!! max_object_depth = 32 max_items = 64 status_bits = 128 elements = ['e','a','w','f'] # Earth, Air, Water, Fire #exclude_words = ('on','to','in','with','at','from') # Keys are md5 hash of 'H@ck3r H0t3l 2020', split in two xor_key_game = b'\x00' * 8 xor_key_teaser = b'\x00' * 8 xor_key_game = b'\x74\xbf\xfa\x54\x1c\x96\xb2\x26' xor_key_teaser = b'\x1e\xeb\xd6\x8b\xc0\xc2\x0a\x61' flash_size = 32768 boiler_plate = b'Hacker Hotel 2020 by ' # boiler_plate must by 32 bytes long def read_byte(eeprom,offset,key=1): if key == 1: return (eeprom[offset+32] ^ xor_key_game[offset % len(xor_key_game)]) else: return (eeprom[offset] ^ xor_key_teaser[offset % len(xor_key_teaser)]) def read_range(eeprom,offset,length,key=1): result = bytearray(0) for i in range(length): result.append(read_byte(eeprom,offset+i,key)) return result def read_ptr(eeprom,offset): return 256 * int(read_byte(eeprom,offset)) + int(read_byte(eeprom,offset+1)) def read_handle(eeprom,offset): offset = offset + 4 + len(byte_fields) l = read_ptr(eeprom,offset) while l>0: offset += 1 c = chr(read_byte(eeprom,offset)).lower() if c == '[': c = chr(read_byte(eeprom,offset+1)).lower() return c l -= 1 return ' ' def read_children(eeprom,offset): children = [] current = offset nxt = read_ptr(eeprom,offset) offset = read_ptr(eeprom,offset+2) if offset >= nxt: return [] while True: handle = read_handle(eeprom,offset) children.append([handle,offset]) offset = read_ptr(eeprom,offset) if offset >= nxt: return children def loc2offset(eeprom,loc): offset = 0 parent = 0xffff handle = ' ' if loc != []: for l in range(len(loc)): parent = offset handle = read_handle(eeprom,offset) nxt = read_ptr(eeprom,offset) offset = read_ptr(eeprom,offset+2) if offset >= nxt: return [0xffff,None,None,None] for i in range(loc[l]): offset = read_ptr(eeprom,offset) #print("{} {} 0x{:04X} 0x{:04x}".format(l,i,offset,nxt)) if offset >= nxt: return [0xffff,None,None,None] mask = read_byte_field(eeprom,offset,'action_mask') children = read_children(eeprom,offset) return [offset,mask,children,[handle,parent]] ### end of loc2offset() def name2loc(eeprom,loc,loc_offset,handle): if loc_offset == 0: offset,d1,children,parent = loc2offset(eeprom,loc) # XXX change the following code to use read_children i = 0 while True: offset,d1,d2,parent = loc2offset(eeprom,loc+[i]) if offset == 0xffff: break if handle == parent[0]: break i += 1 # failsafe if i >= max_object_depth: print("ERROR: out-of-band-error") break if offset == 0xffff: return [None,None,None] return [loc+[i],offset,parent] ### end of name2offset() def read_byte_field(eeprom,offset,field): if field in byte_fields: if offset != 0xffff: return read_byte(eeprom,offset + 4 + byte_fields.index(field)) return -1 def read_string_field(eeprom,offset,field): global current_effects s = "" if field in string_fields: if offset != 0xffff: offset = offset + 4 + len(byte_fields) for i in range(string_fields.index(field)): l = read_ptr(eeprom,offset) offset = offset + l + 2 l = read_ptr(eeprom,offset) b = read_range(eeprom,offset+2,l) if string_fields.index(field) == string_fields.index('action_str2'): b = xor_nibble_swap(b) if string_fields.index(field) >= string_fields.index('open_acl_msg'): if len(b) > 0: current_effects = b[0] s = effects(current_effects) + bytes(b[1:]).decode() else: s = bytes(b).decode() return s return "N/A" def xor_nibble_swap(old): new = bytearray(0) for b in old: new.append((16*(b%16)+(b//16))^0b01010101) return new def unify(s): exclude = '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ \t' s = ''.join(ch for ch in s if ch not in exclude) return s.lower() def s(eeprom,lit): if lit in lit_offsets: offset,length = lit_offsets[lit] return bytes(read_range(eeprom,offset,length,0)).decode() else: print("ERROR: {} not listed in".format(lit)) exit() def look_around(eeprom, loc_offset, loc_parent, loc_children,inventory): print(read_string_field(eeprom,loc_offset,'desc')) print(s(eeprom,'LOOK'),end='') sep = "" if loc_parent[1] != 0xffff and object_visible(eeprom,loc_parent[1]): name = read_string_field(eeprom,loc_parent[1],'name') print("{}".format(name),end='') sep = s(eeprom,'COMMA') for i in range(len(loc_children)): if object_visible(eeprom,loc_children[i][1]): item = read_byte_field(eeprom,loc_children[i][1],'item_nr') in_inventory = False if item != 0: for inv in range(len(inventory)): if item == inventory[inv][0]: in_inventory = True break if not in_inventory: name = read_string_field(eeprom,loc_children[i][1],'name') print("{}{}".format(sep,name),end='') sep = s(eeprom,'COMMA') print() def show_help(eeprom): offset,length = lit_offsets['HELP'] print(bytes(read_range(eeprom,offset,length,0)).decode()) def show_alphabet(eeprom): offset,length = lit_offsets['ALPHABET'] print(bytes(read_range(eeprom,offset,length,0)).decode()) def who_am_i(eeprom): if check_state(110): name_offset,name_length = lit_offsets['ANUBIS'] elif check_state(111): name_offset,name_length = lit_offsets['BES'] elif check_state(112): name_offset,name_length = lit_offsets['KHONSU'] elif check_state(113): name_offset,name_length = lit_offsets['THOTH'] else: printf(s(eeprom,'ERROR')) return print(s(eeprom,'HELLO'),end='') print(bytes(read_range(eeprom,name_offset,name_length,0)).decode(),end='') print(s(eeprom,'PLEASED')) def invalid(eeprom): print(s(eeprom,'NOTPOSSIBLE')) ################################### ### State related functions ### ################################### # status bits that will be used for the game logic # bit 0 is not used for code/memory efficiency, status of bit 0 is considered True game_state = [0 for i in range(status_bits//8)] for i in range(status_bits//8): game_state[i] = machine.nvs_get_u8("game","hh2020-{}".format(i)) or 0 offering = -1 # Some state bits are used from outside the game, these are: # 110 set to 1 by FW if badge UUID mod 4 == 0 # 111 set to 1 by FW if badge UUID mod 4 == 1 # 112 set to 1 by FW if badge UUID mod 4 == 2 # 113 set to 1 by FW if badge UUID mod 4 == 3 # 114 <free> # 115 <free> # 116 set to 1 by FW if badge is in the dark # 117 set to 1 by FW after one normal-hot-normal cycle of the temp sensor # 118 set to 1 by FW after a second normal-hot-normal cycle of the temp sensor # 119 read by FW to enable the magnetic maze game (only allow the game when this bit is 1) # #120 set to 1 by FW after the maze game is succesfully finished ==> changed to 125 # 121 <free> # 122 H turns green, set to 1 by FW after reaching level 6 of Bastet dictates # 123 A turns green, set to 1 by FW after Lanyard code has been entered correctly # 124 C turns green, set to 1 by FW after Connected to other 3 badge types / personas (UUID MOD 4) # 125 K turns green, set to 1 by FW after entrance to dungeon is enabled by completing magnetic maze # 126 E turns green, set to 1 by game after access to the tunnel is granted # 127 R turns green, set to 1 by game Was able to leave the hotel (need to solve puzzles in secret room to get antidote) # get_state() returns True if the status bit <num> is set to 1. def get_state(num): if num > 0 and num < status_bits: byte = num >> 3 bit = 1 << (num & 7) return((game_state[byte]&bit) != 0) else: return True # update_state() updates a status bit # The higher order bit is used to either set (0) or reset (1) the # status bit. The other bits determine the state number. def update_state(num): new_state = num & status_bits num = num & (status_bits-1) byte = num >> 3 bit = 1 << (num & 7) # MSB set means reset the status bit # Less confusing as most state changes are setting bits if new_state == 0: game_state[byte] |= bit else: game_state[byte] &= (255 - bit) for i in range(status_bits//8): machine.nvs_set_u8("game","hh2020-{}".format(i), game_state[i]) return def check_state(state_num): if (state_num & status_bits) == 0: needed = True else: needed = False return (get_state(state_num & (status_bits - 1)) == needed) def check_open_permission(eeprom,offset): if check_state(read_byte_field(eeprom,offset,'open_acl')): return "" else: return read_string_field(eeprom,offset,'open_acl_msg') ### end of check_open_permission() def check_action_permission(eeprom,offset): if check_state(read_byte_field(eeprom,offset,'action_acl')): return "" else: return read_string_field(eeprom,offset,'action_acl_msg') ### end of check_action_permission() def object_visible(eeprom,offset): state_num = read_byte_field(eeprom,offset,'visible_acl') return check_state(state_num) ### end of checkpermission() ########################################## ### End of State related functions ### ########################################## #################### # not needed in FW # # vv from here vv # #################### ########################################## ### Debugging functions ### ########################################## class color: NORMAL = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' BLACK = '\033[30m' RED = '\033[31m' GREEN = '\033[32m' YELLOW = '\033[33m' BLUE = '\033[34m' MAGENTA = '\033[35m' CYAN = '\033[36m' WHITE = '\033[37m' def print_summary(eeprom,loc,current_loc,offset,inventory): c = color.NORMAL if loc == current_loc: print(color.BOLD,end='') print("{:30s} ".format(str(loc)),end='') tree_str = "" tree_str += "{}+- ".format("| "*len(loc)) item = read_byte_field(eeprom,offset,'item_nr') if item != 0: tree_str += color.BLUE + "({})".format(item) else: tree_str += color.BLACK print("{:50s} ".format(tree_str + read_string_field(eeprom,offset,'name')),end='') logic_str = "" mask = read_byte_field(eeprom,offset,'action_mask') if mask & A_READ: logic_str += "R" else: logic_str += "." if mask & A_USE: logic_str += "U" else: logic_str += "." if mask & A_TALK: logic_str += "T" else: logic_str += "." if mask & A_LOOK: logic_str += "L" else: logic_str += "." if mask & A_OPEN: logic_str += "O" else: logic_str += "." if mask & A_ENTER: logic_str += "E" else: logic_str += "." acl = read_byte_field(eeprom,offset,'visible_acl') if acl != 0: if check_state(acl): c = color.GREEN else: c = color.RED logic_str += " {}V:{:3d}{}".format(c,acl,color.BLACK) else: logic_str += " "*6 acl = read_byte_field(eeprom,offset,'open_acl') if acl != 0: if check_state(acl): c = color.GREEN else: c = color.RED logic_str += " {}O:{:3d}{}".format(c,acl,color.BLACK) else: logic_str += " "*6 sep = "" action_str = "ACT:" acl = read_byte_field(eeprom,offset,'action_acl') if acl != 0: if check_state(acl): c = color.GREEN else: c = color.RED action_str += "{}{}{}".format(c,acl,color.BLACK) sep = "," item = read_byte_field(eeprom,offset,'action_item') if item != 0: for i in range(len(inventory)): if item == inventory[i][0]: c = color.GREEN break else: c = color.BLUE action_str += "{}{}I{}{}".format(sep,c,item,color.BLACK) state = read_byte_field(eeprom,offset,'action_state') if state != 0: if check_state(state): c = color.GREEN else: c = color.RED action_str += "=>{}{}{}".format(c,state,color.BLACK) if len(action_str) > 4: logic_str += " {}".format(action_str) print("{}{}".format(logic_str,color.NORMAL),end='') print() def print_tree(eeprom,loc,current_loc,offset,inventory): print_summary(eeprom,loc,current_loc,offset,inventory) children = read_children(eeprom,offset) for i in range(len(children)): print_tree(eeprom,loc+[i],current_loc,children[i][1],inventory) ########################################## ### Debugging functions ### ########################################## #################### # ^^ to here ^^ # ####################