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Hackerhotel 2020 game
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literals = {'HELP':'Welcome to the "Escape from Hacker Hotel!!!" challenge.\r\n\ \r\n\ You are locked in the hotel, just like servants of the pharaohs\r\n\ were locked in the Pyramids with their masters.\r\n\ You will need to hack yourself a way out of the hotel before\r\n\ the end of the weekend (when the hotel will be closed up\r\n\ forever, WHOAHAHAHAHAHAHA)!\r\n\ \r\n\ h or ? show this help\r\n\ a show the hieroglyph alphabet\r\n\ w who am i, your avatar\r\n\ x exit to the previous location\r\n\ e <room> enter the given room\r\n\ l look around the room\r\n\ l <o> look at object <o>\r\n\ o <o> open object <o>\r\n\ p <i> pickup item <i>\r\n\ d <i> drop item <i>\r\n\ i list items you are carrying\r\n\ t <p> talk to "person" <p>\r\n\ g <i> <p> give item <i> to person <p>\r\n\ r <o> read object <o>\r\n\ u <o> use object <o>\r\n\ u <i> <o> use item <i> on object <o>\r\n\ \r\n\ Every object has a single letter identifier enclosed in brackets. So \r\n\ when you see "The [R]eception" in the game, you can use "e r" to enter\r\n\ the Reception.\r\n\ \r\n\ [Please note that some output is in UTF-8. However, all user input\r\n\ should be entered in ASCII only]', 'ALPHABET': 'A = πΏ B = πΎ C = π‘ D = π§ E = π\r\n\ \r\n\ F = π G = πΌ H = π I = π J = π\r\n\ \r\n\ K = π‘ L = π M = π N = π O = π ±\r\n\ \r\n\ P = πͺ Q = π R = π S = π΄ T = π\r\n\ \r\n\ U = π ± V = π W = π ± X = π΄ Y = ππ\r\n\ \r\n\ Z = π ', 'LOCATION':'Location: ', 'SPACE':' ', 'LF':'\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n', 'COMMA':', ', 'PROMPT':'? ', 'QUIT':'Thank you for staying, you can check out any time you want, but you may never leave!', 'LOOK':'I see the following: ', 'DONTSEE':'I don\'t see that!', 'CANTLOOK':'You can\'t look inside ', 'CANTENTER':'You can\'t enter that location.', 'CANTOPEN':'You can\'t open that object.', 'DONTSEE':'I don\'t see that location.', 'NOTCARRYING':'You are not carrying that item.', 'NOSUCHOBJECT':'No such object here.', 'NOSUCHPERSON':'No such person here.', 'WHYTALK':'Why are you trying to talk to ', 'CANTUSE':'You can\'t use this object.', 'CANTREAD':'You can\'t read this object.', 'CANTUSEITEM':'You can\'t use this item on this object.', 'RESPONSE':'(your response) ? ', 'INCORRECT':'That is incorrect!', 'CARRYTWO':'You can only carry 2 objects, please drop another object\r\nif you really need this object.', 'ALREADYCARRYING':'You are already carrying that object.', 'NOWCARRING':'You are now carrying: ', 'EMPTYHANDS':'Uhmmm... you\'re not carrying anything!', 'DROPPING':'Dropping object ', 'RETURNING':'A hotel clerk brought the item back to its original location.', 'NOTCARRYING':'You are not carrying that object.', 'IDDQDMSG':'IDDQD (for testing purposes only, remove from final code!!!)', 'CONGRATS':'CONGRATULATIONS!!!\r\nThe spell has been broken and you found your way out of the hotel.', 'CANTGIVE':'You can\'t give this item to this person.', 'HELLO':'Hello, my name is ', 'ANUBIS':'Anubis', 'BES':'Bes', 'KHONSU':'Khonsu', 'THOTH':'Thoth', 'PLEASED':', I\'m pleased to meet you!', 'NOTPOSSIBLE':'Sorry, that is not possible', 'ERROR':'Hmm... something is wrong, please contact someone from!', 'PRIEST':'I\'m sorry my child, I\'m a little blind. Can you\r\nplease tell me how many times you kneeled and\r\nwhich element you will bring to the Pyramid?\r\n\r\n[entry format: <number> <element>]', 'PLEASEOFFER':'Please offer something from your inventory.', 'BADOFFERING':'You call that an offering, you should be ashamed of yourself!', 'YOURPART':'Your part of the access code is ', 'IDLE':'Press ? for game help!', 'SALT':'HΓ€ckΓ©rHΓΈtΓ¨l2020', 'DIGITS':'0123456789', }