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"""Displays the time and also alerts.""" # pylint: disable=bare-except # pylint: disable=import-error # pylint: disable=no-self-use # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods import display import easydraw import machine import neopixel import umqtt.simple as umqtt import utime import wifi EUROPE_LONDON = 'GMT+0BST-1,M3.5.0/01:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00' WHITE = 0xFFFFFF BLACK = 0x000000 FONTS = { '7x5': '7x5', 'Dejavu Sans': { 20: 'dejavusans20', }, 'Ocra': { 16: 'ocra16', 22: 'ocra22', }, 'Permanent Marker': { 22: 'permanentmarker22', 36: 'permanentmarker36', }, 'Roboto Regular': { 12: 'roboto_regular12', 18: 'roboto_regular18', 22: 'roboto_regular22', }, 'Roboto Black': { 22: 'roboto_black22', }, 'Roboto Black Italic': { 24: 'roboto_blackitalic24', }, } WEEKDAYS = { 1: 'Sunday', 2: 'Monday', 3: 'Tuesday', 4: 'Wednesday', 5: 'Thursday', 6: 'Friday', 7: 'Saturday', } TOPIC_INFO = b'home/house/alert/info_string' NUM_NEOPIXELS = 6 def main(): """Main loop, should never exit.""" easydraw.msg('setting up WiFi...') if not init_wifi(): easydraw.msg('could not set up WiFi') return easydraw.msg('setting up RTC...') clock = Clock() easydraw.msg('setting up MQTT...') alerts = Alerts(topic_info=TOPIC_INFO) utime.sleep(1) output = Output() while True: output.draw(alerts.get(), clock.get()) utime.sleep(1) def init_wifi(): """Set up the WiFi.""" if wifi.status(): return True wifi.connect() return wifi.wait() class Clock: """Manages the Real Time Clock and NTP.""" def __init__(self, default_timezone=EUROPE_LONDON): if utime.time() < 1585235437: # RTC is unset. wifi.ntp() self._rtc = machine.RTC() timezone = machine.nvs_getstr('system', 'timezone') if not timezone: timezone = default_timezone self._rtc.timezone(timezone) def get(self): """Returns a datetime tuple of (y, m, d, h, m, s, wd, yd).""" return class Alerts: """Manages connecting to MQTT and returning alerts.""" def __init__(self, alert_timeout=10, client_name='sha2017_badge', server='', topic_info=None): self._alert = None self._alert_time = 0 self._alert_timeout = alert_timeout self._topic_info = topic_info def on_message(topic, data): if topic == self._topic_info: self._alert = str(data.decode('utf-8')).strip() self._alert_time = utime.time() self._client = umqtt.MQTTClient(client_name, server) self._client.set_callback(on_message) self._connect() def _connect(self): try: if not init_wifi(): return self._client.connect() self._client.subscribe(self._topic_info, qos=1) except: pass def get(self): """Return the most recent alert, or None if there is none.""" now = utime.time() if now < (self._alert_time + self._alert_timeout): return self._alert self._alert = None try: self._client.check_msg() return self._alert except: # reconnect and try again next time. self._connect() return None class Output: """Manages all formatting, display, and neopixel behavior.""" def __init__(self): self._old_alert = '' self._old_date_str = '' self._old_time_str = '' neopixel.enable() self._neopixels = False def draw(self, alert, datetime): """Draw either the alert if one is given, or the date & time. Clear the screen to prevent ghosting: - When the date changes. - When entering an alert. - When leaving an alert. """ if alert: if alert == self._old_alert: if self._neopixels: self._neopixels_off() else: self._neopixels_pink() return self._old_alert = alert self._old_time_str = '' # clear the screen to prevent ghosting. display.drawFill(BLACK) display.flush() display.drawFill(WHITE) width = display.width() y = 0 words = alert.split(' ') chunk = words[0] for word in words[1:]: joined = chunk + ' ' + word if (display.getTextWidth(joined, FONTS['7x5']) * 3) >= width: display.drawText(0, y, chunk, BLACK, FONTS['7x5'], 3, 3) chunk = word text_height = display.getTextHeight( chunk, FONTS['7x5']) * 3 line_height = int(text_height * 1.4) y += line_height else: chunk = joined display.drawText(0, y, chunk, BLACK, FONTS['7x5'], 3, 3) display.flush() else: time_str = self._format_time(datetime) date_str = self._format_date(datetime) if time_str == self._old_time_str: return if self._old_alert or date_str != self._old_date_str: # we've come out of an alert or the date changed, # so clear the screen to prevent ghosting. display.drawFill(BLACK) display.flush() self._old_alert = '' self._old_date_str = date_str self._old_time_str = time_str self._neopixels_off() display.drawFill(WHITE) display.drawText(0, 0, time_str, BLACK, FONTS['7x5'], 5, 5) bottom = display.height() - 2 # the bottom pixel seems to clip. date_y = bottom - \ (display.getTextHeight(date_str, FONTS['7x5']) * 3) display.drawText(0, date_y, date_str, BLACK, FONTS['7x5'], 3, 3) display.flush() def _neopixels_off(self): data = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00] * NUM_NEOPIXELS neopixel.send(bytes(data)) self._neopixels = False def _neopixels_white(self): data = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10] * NUM_NEOPIXELS neopixel.send(bytes(data)) self._neopixels = True def _neopixels_pink(self): data = [0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00] * NUM_NEOPIXELS neopixel.send(bytes(data)) self._neopixels = True def _format_time(self, datetime): hours = datetime[3] minutes = datetime[4] return '%02d:%02d' % (hours, minutes) def _format_date(self, datetime): weekday = datetime[6] return WEEKDAYS[weekday] main()