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SFM3000 Flow Sensor Demo
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import machine, neopixel, uos, buttons, system, time, display, gc, rtc, wifi import i2c as sysi2c def read_sensor(cb): global num_data r = i2c.readfrom(64, 2) val = ((r[0] << 6) | (r[1] >> 2)) - 8000 if num_file: f.write('{}\n'.format(val)) num_data = num_data + 1 else: print(val) if brightness: reverse_flow = val < 0 if reverse_flow: val = -val on = val // per_led led_array = [] for led in range(on): led_array.extend([0, brightness, 0, 0]) led_array.extend([0, int((val%per_led)/per_led*brightness), 0, 0]) for led in range((num_leds - 1) - on): led_array.extend([0, 0, 0, 0]) if reverse_flow: # flip led_array = led_array[::-1] err = neopixel.send(bytes(led_array)) def stop_btn(prsd): global run if prsd: run = 0 def up_btn(prsd): global brightness if (prsd and brightness < 250): print('U') print(brightness) brightness = brightness + 10 def down_btn(prsd): global brightness if (prsd and brightness > 0): print('D') print(brightness) brightness = brightness - 10 def left_btn(prsd): global max_light, per_led, num_leds if (prsd and max_light > 0): print('L') max_light = max_light - 10 per_led = int(max_light * 35 / num_leds) def right_btn(prsd): global max_light, per_led, num_leds if (prsd and max_light < 250): print('R') max_light = max_light + 10 per_led = int(max_light * 35 / num_leds) def a_btn(prsd): global max_light, per_led, brightness, num_leds if prsd: print('A') brightness = 100 max_light = 200 per_led = int(max_light * 35 / num_leds) def b_btn(prsd): global brightness if prsd: print('B') brightness = 0 # Init hardware i2c = machine.I2C(sda=machine.Pin(17), scl=machine.Pin(16), freq=sysi2c.SPEED) neopixel.enable() buttons.detach(buttons.BTN_START) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_UP, up_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_DOWN, down_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_LEFT, left_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_RIGHT, right_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_A, a_btn) buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_B, b_btn) display.drawFill(display.WHITE) display.drawText(20, 0, 'SFM3000 sensor logger', display.BLACK, 'roboto_regular22') display.drawText(10, 40, 'A/B: start / stop LEDs', display.BLACK, 'roboto_regular12') display.drawText(10, 55, 'UP/DOWN: brightness', display.BLACK, 'roboto_regular12') display.drawText(10, 70, 'LEFT/RIGHT: SFM scale', display.BLACK, 'roboto_regular12') display.drawText(10, 95, 'SFM / 35', display.BLACK, 'roboto_regular18') display.drawText(10, 115, '100hz signed int ASCII \\n sep', display.BLACK, 'roboto_regular12') display.drawText(175, 45, 'RECORDING:', display.BLACK, 'roboto_regular18') # Init sensor if 64 in (i2c.scan()): print('Bingo!') i2c.writeto(64, b'\x10\x00') else: print('Boomer') system.home() # config me max_light = 200 # slm num_leds = 6 # leds brightness = 100 # 0-255 per_led = int(max_light * 35 / num_leds) # Config RTC if not rtc.isSet(): print('Connecting to Wi-Fi') wifi.connect() wifi.wait() print('Connected! Getting time') rtc.configure() time.sleep_ms(2000) wifi.stop() print(rtc.time.localtime()) # Write SD log try: dirname = '/sd/' + time.strftime('%d-%m-%y_%H-%M-%S') uos.mkdir(dirname) uos.chdir(dirname) print(dirname) num_data = 1 num_file = 1 f = open('{}.txt'.format(num_file), 'w') buttons.attach(buttons.BTN_FLASH, stop_btn) display.drawText(175, 65, time.strftime(' SD \n %d-%m \n %H:%M:%S'), display.BLACK, 'roboto_regular18') except: num_data = 0 num_file = 0 display.drawText(175, 65, ' Serial', display.BLACK, 'roboto_regular18') display.flush(display.FLAG_FULL) time.sleep_ms(1000) # GO! run = 1 next_us = time.ticks_add(time.ticks_us(), 10000) while run: t = time.ticks_diff(next_us, time.ticks_us()) if t <= 0: print(t) read_sensor(t) next_us = time.ticks_add(next_us, 10000) elif t > 4000: if num_data > 60000: f.close() num_file = num_file + 1 num_data = 1 f = open('{}.txt'.format(num_file), 'w') print(num_file) else: gc.collect() else: time.sleep_us(t) read_sensor(0) next_us = time.ticks_add(next_us, 10000) print('stop') time.sleep_ms(1000) print('close') f.close() time.sleep_ms(1000) print('umount') uos.umountsd() time.sleep_ms(1000) print('home') system.home()