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module chip ( output O_LED_R, output O_LED_G, output O_LED_B, input I_RESET_WIRE ); wire w_clk; wire w_led_r, w_led_g, w_led_b; wire r_rst; // Cycle speeds of the RGB colors (All primes) parameter p_speed_r = 1300, p_speed_g = 1607, p_speed_b = 1999; // Clock devided to 24 MHz SB_HFOSC #( .CLKHF_DIV("0b01") // Half the clock speed ) u_hfosc ( .CLKHFPU(1'b1), .CLKHFEN(1'b1), .CLKHF(w_clk) ); // RGB IP SB_RGBA_DRV #( .CURRENT_MODE("0b1"), .RGB0_CURRENT("0b100000"), .RGB1_CURRENT("0b100000"), .RGB2_CURRENT("0b100000") ) u_rgb_drv ( .RGB0(O_LED_R), .RGB1(O_LED_G), .RGB2(O_LED_B), .RGBLEDEN(1'b1), .RGB0PWM(w_led_r), .RGB1PWM(w_led_g), .RGB2PWM(w_led_b), .CURREN(1'b1) ); // RED cycle red_cycle ( .i_clk(w_clk), .i_rst(r_rst), .i_speed(p_speed_r), .o_led(w_led_r) ); // GREEN cycle green_cycle ( .i_clk(w_clk), .i_rst(r_rst), .i_speed(p_speed_g), .o_led(w_led_g) ); // BLUE cycle blue_cycle ( .i_clk(w_clk), .i_rst(r_rst), .i_speed(p_speed_b), .o_led(w_led_b) ); assign r_rst = I_RESET_WIRE; endmodule // A simple circuit that can be used to detect brownouts and other hardware issues module cycle ( input i_clk, input i_rst, input [10:0] i_speed, output o_led ); reg [7:0] r_rst_counter = 0; reg [7:0] r_count_cur = 0; reg [10:0] r_count_speed = 0; reg [7:0] r_count_duty = 0; reg [7:0] r_count_duty_next = 0; reg r_duty_dir = 1; // 0 down, 1 up reg r_rstn = 0; reg r_led; /* * Wait for system system to stabilize */ always @(posedge i_clk) begin r_rst_counter <= r_rst_counter + 1; r_rstn <= r_rstn | &r_rst_counter; end // count_cur up and down always @(posedge i_clk) begin // Speed devider r_count_speed <= r_count_speed + 1; if (r_count_speed == i_speed) // 124 +- 2 s r_count_speed <= 0; // Update counters every X cycles if (r_count_speed == 0) begin // Duty cycle counter r_count_cur <= r_count_cur + 1; if (r_count_cur == 255) r_count_cur <= 0; // PWM the led_g r_led <= 1'b1; if(r_count_cur > r_count_duty) r_led <= 1'b0; // Move duty cycle counter if (r_count_cur == 0) begin if (r_duty_dir == 1'b1) begin r_count_duty_next = r_count_duty + 1; end else begin r_count_duty_next = r_count_duty - 1; end // reverse counter duty cycle if (r_count_duty_next == 0 || r_count_duty_next == 255) r_duty_dir <= ~r_duty_dir; end end // Assign the variable to the register r_count_duty <= r_count_duty_next; // Reset holds counters if(i_rst == 1'b1 || r_rstn == 1'b0) begin r_count_duty <= 0; r_count_speed <= 0; r_count_cur <= 0; r_duty_dir <= 1; end end assign o_led = r_led; endmodule