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import display, keypad, sndmixer, virtualtimers as vt, random, machine from time import time # Hopefully change the PRNG state a bit random.seed( int( 1000000 * time() ) % 1000000) volume = machine.nvs_getint('system', 'volume') or 255 def draw(state): sound(state) a = 0x00FF00 if state == 1 else 0x002000 b = 0xFF0000 if state == 2 else 0x200000 d = 0xFFFF00 if state == 3 else 0x202000 c = 0x0000FF if state == 4 else 0x000020 if state == 5: a = 0xFF0000 b = 0xFF0000 c = 0xFF0000 d = 0xFF0000 if state == 6: a = 0x00FF00 b = 0x00FF00 c = 0x00FF00 d = 0x00FF00 display.drawPixel(0, 0, a) display.drawPixel(1, 0, a) display.drawPixel(0, 1, a) display.drawPixel(1, 1, a) display.drawPixel(2, 0, b) display.drawPixel(3, 0, b) display.drawPixel(2, 1, b) display.drawPixel(3, 1, b) display.drawPixel(2, 2, c) display.drawPixel(3, 2, c) display.drawPixel(2, 3, c) display.drawPixel(3, 3, c) display.drawPixel(0, 2, d) display.drawPixel(1, 2, d) display.drawPixel(0, 3, d) display.drawPixel(1, 3, d) display.flush() def sound(state): global synth f = 0 if state == 1: f = 600 if state == 2: f = 800 if state == 3: f = 1000 if state == 4: f = 1200 if state == 5: f = 400 if state == 6: f = 1400 sndmixer.freq(synth, f) def on_key(key_index, pressed): global userInput, userTimeout, resultTimeout, showTimeout, showInput, resultPositive, userPressed x, y = key_index % 4, int(key_index / 4) if pressed: if resultTimeout <= 0: userTimeout = 30 if (x == 0 or x == 1) and (y == 0 or y == 1): draw(1) userInput.append(1) elif(x == 2 or x == 3) and (y == 0 or y == 1): draw(2) userInput.append(2) elif(x == 0 or x == 1) and (y == 2 or y == 3): draw(3) userInput.append(3) elif(x == 2 or x == 3) and (y == 2 or y == 3): draw(4) userInput.append(4) userPressed = True gotFail = False for i in range(len(userInput)): if showInput[i] != userInput[i]: userInput = [] showInput = [random.randint(1,4)] userTimeout = -1 showTimeout = 5 resultTimeout = 5 resultPositive = False gotFail = True break if (not gotFail) and (len(userInput) >= len(showInput)): userInput = [] userTimeout = -1 showTimeout = 5 showInput.append(random.randint(1,4)) resultTimeout = 5 resultPositive = True else: if resultTimeout <= 0: draw(0) userPressed = False def gameTask(): global userTimeout, userInput, showTimeout, showStep, showInput, resultTimeout, userPressed, resultPositive if userPressed: return 50 if resultTimeout > 0: resultTimeout -= 1 print("Result wait") if resultTimeout % 2: if resultPositive: draw(6) else: draw(5) else: draw(0) else: if resultTimeout == 0: resultTimeout -= 1 draw(0) if userTimeout < 0: userTimeout = -1 userInput = [] if showTimeout < 0: showTimeout = 5 if (showStep < len(showInput)): draw(showInput[showStep]) showStep += 1 print("Show step") else: showStep = 0 showTimeout = 30 print("Show end") else: print("Show wait", showTimeout) draw(0) showTimeout -= 1 else: userTimeout -= 1 showTimeout = 0 showStep = 0 print("User wait") return 50 sndmixer.begin(1, True) synth = sndmixer.synth() sndmixer.volume(synth, volume) userInput = [] showInput = [random.randint(1,4)] userTimeout = 0 showTimeout = 50 showStep = 0 showActive = False userPressed = False resultPositive = False resultTimeout = 0 vt.begin(), gameTask) draw(0) keypad.add_handler(on_key)