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import machine, math, ugfx, gc, easywifi, badge #, deepsleep import urequests as requests TS_WIDTH = 25 TS_HEIGHT = 10 REFRESH_RATE = 5 * 60 * 1000 # 5 minutes LAT = 51.9773 LON = 5.94035 url = "" % (LAT, LON) def getDisplayName(time): if time < 6: return "Nacht" elif time < 12: return "Ochtend" elif time < 18: return "Middag" elif time <= 24: return "Avond" def draw_graph(x, y, width, height, samples, scale=1.0, colour=ugfx.BLACK): """Draws a graph at the specified coordinates. Draws a graph across the full length of the specified area, capping values at (height / scale) """ # How many samples can we fit? sample_width = width / (len(samples) - 1) sample_width_round = int(sample_width + .5) prev_val = 0 for i, item in enumerate(samples): val = max(0, height - 1 - int(item * scale + .5)) if i > 0: left_edge = int(x + (i - 1) * sample_width + .5) if left_edge + sample_width_round >= width: sample_width_round = int(width - left_edge - 1) # The right edge won't be drawn. ugfx.fill_polygon(int(x + (i - 1) * sample_width + .5), y, [ (0, height - 1), (0, prev_val), (sample_width_round, val), (sample_width_round, height - 1) ], colour) prev_val = val def _raw_to_mm(raw): raw = int(raw) if raw == 0: return 0.0 return 10 ** ((raw - 109) / 32) def get_downpour(): r = requests.get(url) gc.collect() data = r.json() r.close() return data def draw_rain_graph(x, y, width, height, scale=1.0, colour=ugfx.BLACK): global downpour """Draws a rain graph at the specified coordinates. Uses 14 pixels for the time, and then draws a graph across the full length of the specified area, capping values at (height / scale) - 14 millimeters """ buien=downpour['bui'] # How many timestmaps can we fit? num_items = len(buien) period = math.ceil(num_items * 1.5 * TS_WIDTH / (width - TS_WIDTH)) sample_width = int(width / (num_items - 1)) text_y = y + height - TS_HEIGHT bui=[] maxval=0 for d in range(num_items): if d % period == 0: text_x = x + d * sample_width - ugfx.get_string_width(buien[d]['time'], 'Roboto_Regular12') // 2 # Corner case: screen edge if text_x < 0: text_x = 0 elif text_x + TS_WIDTH > x + width: text_x = x + width - TS_WIDTH ugfx.string(text_x, text_y, buien[d]['time'], "Roboto_Regular10", colour) bui.append(buien[d]['rain']) maxval=max(maxval,buien[d]['rain']) ugfx.string(x + width - TS_WIDTH, text_y, buien[d]['time'], "Roboto_Regular10", 0x888888) maxval=min(300,maxval) maxval=(maxval/300) maxval=round(5*maxval) maxval=str(maxval) maxval=int('0x'+maxval+maxval+maxval+maxval+maxval+maxval,16) maxval=0xAAAAAA+maxval draw_graph(x, y, width, height - (TS_HEIGHT - 2), bui, scale, maxval) def refresh(): global downpour retry = 0 while len(downpour) == 0 and retry < 10: downpour = get_downpour() retry += 1 try: if len(downpour) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Buienradar gaf geen informatie') except Exception as e: #CatchAll exceptions print('Error on 129: ', e) ugfx.string_box(0, 0, 296, 128, str(e), "Roboto_Regular12", ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyCenter) return def setup(): global downpour downpour = [] #refresh() pass def loop(): global downpour easywifi.enable() refresh() ugfx.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE); ugfx.string(10,10,"Het weer","PermanentMarker22", 0) ugfx.string(110,100,"wordt geladen...","Roboto_Regular12", 0) ugfx.flush() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE); icons = { "clear-day": "\uf00d", "clear-night": "\uf02e", "rain": "\uf019", "snow": "\uf01b", "sleet": "\uf0b5", "wind": "\uf050", "fog": "\uf021", "cloudy": "\uf041", "partly-cloudy-day": "\uf002", "partly-cloudy-night": "\uf086" } try: import consts consts.INFO_FIRMWARE_NAME #Workaround for bug in platform firmware... icons = { "clear-day": chr(1), "clear-night": chr(), "rain": chr(8), "snow": chr(15), "sleet": chr(15), "wind": chr(18), "fog": chr(17), "cloudy": chr(4), "partly-cloudy-day": chr(2), "partly-cloudy-night": chr(3) } except: pass # loading screen buien=downpour['bui'] MSG_TOP = 0 SCREEN_WIDTH=296 if len(buien) == 0: ugfx.string_box(0, MSG_TOP, 296, MSG_TOP, 'Ophalen van regenverwachting is mislukt', 'Roboto_Regular10', ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) return REFRESH_RATE, 0 start = end = 0 for d in range(len(buien)): if int(buien[d]['rain']) > 0 and start == 0: start = buien[d]['time'] elif int(buien[d]['rain']) == 0 and start != 0 and end == 1: end = buien[d]['time'] if start != 0: timepos = [10, 47] iconpos = [10, 61] temppos = [10, 112] if end != 0: frm=(int(start[0:2])*60*60)+(int(start[3:5])*60) to=(int(end[0:2])*60*60)+(int(end[3:5])*60) if to < frm: to = to + (24*60*60) if to-frm > 3600: duration = "%d uur en %d minuten"%(round((to-frm)/60/60), ((to-frm)/60)%60) else: duration = "%d minuten"%(((to-frm)/60)) else: duration = 'een tijd' ugfx.string_box(0, 0, 296, 15, 'Om %s regent het %s' % (start, duration), 'Roboto_Regular12', ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.justifyLeft) draw_rain_graph(0, 0, 296, timepos[1]-2, (timepos[1]/500), ugfx.BLACK) else: timepos = [11, 27] iconpos = [10, 51] temppos = [10, 110] #'Roboto_Regular12 #'GEEN REGEN VERWACHT', 'DejaVuSans12', ugfx.string_box(0, 0, 296, timepos[1], 'Voorlopig nog geen regen', 'PermanentMarker22', 0x888888, ugfx.justifyCenter) hourly = downpour["hourly"]["data"] ugfx.line(0, timepos[1], 296, timepos[1], 0) timepos.append(15) #fontheight iconpos.append(48) #fontheight temppos.append(20) #fontheight timepos.append(timepos[1]+timepos[2]) #lineheight iconpos.append(iconpos[1]+iconpos[2]) #lineheight temppos.append(temppos[1]+temppos[2]) #lineheight timepos.append('pixelade13') #font iconpos.append('weather42') #font temppos.append('DejaVuSans20') #font posx=[0,int(SCREEN_WIDTH*0.24),int(SCREEN_WIDTH*0.48),int(SCREEN_WIDTH*0.72),int(SCREEN_WIDTH*0.96)] dp = hourly[0] time = int(str(dp["timestamp"])[8:10]) ugfx.string_box(posx[0], timepos[1], posx[1]-posx[0], timepos[2], getDisplayName(time), timepos[4], 0, ugfx.justifyCenter) ugfx.string(posx[0]+12, iconpos[1],icons[dp["icon"]], iconpos[4], 0) ugfx.string_box(posx[0], temppos[1], posx[1]-posx[0], temppos[2], str(int(dp["temperature"]))+"°C", temppos[4], 0, ugfx.justifyCenter) dp = hourly[6] time = int(str(dp["timestamp"])[8:10]) ugfx.string_box(posx[1], timepos[1], posx[2]-posx[1], timepos[2], getDisplayName(time), timepos[4], 0, ugfx.justifyCenter) ugfx.string(posx[1]+12, iconpos[1],icons[dp["icon"]], iconpos[4], 0) ugfx.string_box(posx[1], temppos[1], posx[2]-posx[1], temppos[2], str(int(dp["temperature"]))+"°C", temppos[4], 0, ugfx.justifyCenter) dp = hourly[12] time = int(str(dp["timestamp"])[8:10]) ugfx.string_box(posx[2], timepos[1], posx[3]-posx[2], timepos[2], getDisplayName(time), timepos[4], 0, ugfx.justifyCenter) ugfx.string(posx[2]+12, iconpos[1],icons[dp["icon"]], iconpos[4], 0) ugfx.string_box(posx[2], temppos[1], posx[3]-posx[2], temppos[2], str(int(dp["temperature"]))+"°C", temppos[4], 0, ugfx.justifyCenter) dp = hourly[18] time = int(str(dp["timestamp"])[8:10]) ugfx.string_box(posx[3], timepos[1], posx[4]-posx[3], timepos[2], getDisplayName(time), timepos[4], 0, ugfx.justifyCenter) ugfx.string(posx[3]+12, iconpos[1],icons[dp["icon"]], iconpos[4], 0) ugfx.string_box(posx[3], temppos[1], posx[4]-posx[3], temppos[2], str(int(dp["temperature"]))+"°C", temppos[4], 0, ugfx.justifyCenter) status(timepos) #ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_FULL); ugfx.flush(ugfx.GREYSCALE); badge.eink_busy_wait() print('Entering deep sleep...') machine.deepsleep(2*60*60*1000) #for two hours # didn't work, sleeps forever #deepsleep.start_sleeping(2*60*60*1000) #for two hours #Same story print("Not entered deep sleep somehow...") return REFRESH_RATE def status(timepos): global downpour vbatt = badge.battery_volt_sense()/1000.0 vmax=4.1 vmin=3.5 if vbatt >= vmax: battpix=1.0 elif vbatt <= vmin: battpix=0.0 else: battpix=(1-1*(vmax-vbatt)/(vmax-vmin)) ugfx.string_box(250, timepos[1],46,timepos[2],downpour["timestamp"], "pixelade13", 0, ugfx.justifyRight) ugfx.string_box(250, timepos[1]+9,46,timepos[2], downpour["datestamp"], "pixelade13", 0, ugfx.justifyRight) ugfx.string_box(0, timepos[1]+9,246,timepos[2], downpour["city"], "pixelade13", 0, ugfx.justifyLeft) ugfx.line(294,0,288,0, 0) ugfx.line(288,0,288,6, 0) ugfx.line(288,6,294,6, 0) ugfx.line(294,6,294,5, 0) ugfx.line(294,0,294,1, 0) ugfx.line(295,4,295,2, 0) ugfx.thickline(289,3,(289+round(6*battpix)),3,0,6,False) def draw(y): return REFRESH_RATE, 128