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MCH2022 badge?
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import easywifi, easydraw, machine, gc, ugfx, badge, woezel from time import ticks_ms, sleep_ms, ticks_diff from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient co2 = 0 co2_werkplaats = 0 co2_hoofdruimte = 0 fan = None n = 0 delay_on = 10 delay_off = 600 delay = delay_on fan_changed = ticks_ms() space_open = False lasercutter = 'unknown' on = machine.Pin(16, machine.Pin.OUT) off = machine.Pin(4, machine.Pin.OUT) server = "" mqtt = MQTTClient('badge' + str(machine.unique_id()), server) easywifi.enable(True) if easywifi.state == False: easydraw.msg("Meh unable to connect to network","FAILURE") easydraw.msg("Waiting 5 seconds to try again!") badge.eink_busy_wait() machine.deepsleep(5000) def reboot(message = "Rebooting"): easydraw.msg(message) badge.eink_busy_wait() machine.deepsleep(1) easydraw.msg("Checking for updates") try: woezel.install('Revfan') reboot("Updated! Rebooting now!") except: easydraw.msg("No update available. Starting app!") easydraw.msg("Connecting to MQTT") def gt0(x): if x == None: return False return x > 0 def update_display(): ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(0, 0, "n: " + str(n), "Roboto_Black22", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(0, 25, "CO2: " + str(co2), "Roboto_Black22", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(0, 50, "Space: " + ("open" if space_open else "closed"), "Roboto_Black22", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(0, 75, "Lasercutter: " + lasercutter, "Roboto_Black22", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(0, 100, "Fan: " + str(fan) + (" (waiting " + \ str(delay - int(ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), fan_changed) / 1000)) + " s)" if fan_changed else ""), \ "Roboto_Black22", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() sleep_ms(50) def clear_display(): ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() sleep_ms(50) update_display() # Received messages from subscriptions will be delivered to this callback def sub_cb(topic, msg): global co2 global co2_hoofdruimte global co2_werkplaats global n global space_open global lasercutter print((topic, msg)) if topic == b"revdebug/fan/reboot" and msg == b"!": mqtt.publish("revdebug/fan", "rebooting") reboot("Reboot command received") if topic == b"revspace/doorduino/checked-in": n = int(msg.decode('utf-8').split(' ')[0]) if topic == b"revspace/sensors/co2": co2_hoofdruimte = int(msg.decode('utf-8').split(' ')[0]) if topic == b"revspace/sensors/snuffelaar/werkplaats/co2": co2_werkplaats = int(msg.decode('utf-8').split(' ')[0]) if topic == b"revspace/state": space_open = (msg == b"open") if topic == b"revspace/lasercutter": lasercutter = msg.decode('utf-8').split(' ')[0] co2 = max(co2_hoofdruimte, co2_werkplaats) def update_fan(): global fan global fan_changed global delay newfan = 0 #if co2 > 1400: newfan += 1 #if co2 > 1100: newfan += 1 #if co2 > 800: newfan += 1 if co2 >= 500: newfan += 1 #if humi < 37: newfan -= 1 #if humi < 34: newfan -= 1 if n >= 3: newfan += 1 #if space_open: newfan += 1 if lasercutter == 'connected': newfan += 10 # override update_display() if newfan != fan: mqtt.publish("revspace/fan", str(newfan) + " (updated)", True) if bool(newfan > 0) != bool(gt0(fan)): fan_changed = now delay = delay_on if gt0(newfan) else delay_off fan = newfan def switch_fan(fan): mqtt.publish("revspace/fan/state", "on" if gt0(fan) else "off") pin = on if gt0(fan) else off; pin.value(1) sleep_ms(600) # min. 50 ms, but emptying the capacitor is better pin.value(0) ### mqtt.set_callback(sub_cb) mqtt.connect() mqtt.subscribe(b"revspace/doorduino/checked-in") mqtt.subscribe(b"revspace/sensors/co2") mqtt.subscribe(b"revspace/sensors/snuffelaar/werkplaats/co2") mqtt.subscribe(b"revspace/state") mqtt.subscribe(b"revspace/lasercutter") mqtt.subscribe(b"revdebug/fan/reboot") mqtt.publish("revdebug/fan", "started") easydraw.msg("MQTT Connected", title = 'Still MQTT Anyway...', reset = True) mqtt.check_msg() badge.leds_init(); badge.leds_enable(); lastupdate = ticks_ms() lastheartbeat = ticks_ms() while True: gc.collect() mqtt.check_msg() now = ticks_ms() if ticks_diff(now, lastheartbeat) > 5000: lastheartbeat = now mqtt.publish("revdebug/fan", "alive") mqtt.publish("revspace/fan", str(fan), True) if ticks_diff(now, lastupdate) > 1000: lastupdate = now update_fan() if fan_changed and ticks_diff(now, fan_changed) > delay * 1000: fan_changed = None switch_fan(fan) clear_display() sleep_ms(100)