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import ugfx, wifi, urandom from time import sleep, time from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient mqtt_last_ping = time() done = False remaining = b'why2025/ticketshop/quotas/Event Visitors/available_number' sold = b'why2025/ticketshop/quotas/Event Visitors/paid_orders' pending = b'why2025/ticketshop/quotas/Event Visitors/pending_orders' ctr_remaining = 0 ctr_sold = 0 ctr_pending = 0 changed = False # Received messages from subscriptions will be delivered to this callback def sub_cb(topic, msg): print("Received data on topic " + topic.decode('utf-8')) global ctr_remaining, ctr_sold, ctr_pending, changed try: val = int(msg.decode('utf-8')) print("Value: " + str(val)) if topic == remaining: changed |= ctr_remaining != val ctr_remaining = val elif topic == sold: changed |= ctr_sold != val ctr_sold = val elif topic == pending: changed |= ctr_pending != val ctr_pending = val except: pass if changed: ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() ugfx.string(60,10,'Available: %s' % str(ctr_remaining),"Roboto_BlackItalic24",ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(40,40,'Sold: %s' % str(ctr_sold + ctr_pending),"PermanentMarker36",ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(35,90,"","Roboto_BlackItalic24",ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() changed = False def connect(server, connect_print): if connect_print: ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(10,10,"Connecting to MQTT...","Roboto_Regular12", 0) ugfx.flush() clientname = 'SHA2017Badge ' + str(urandom.getrandbits(30)) c = MQTTClient(clientname, server, keepalive=60) c.set_callback(sub_cb) c.connect() c.subscribe(sold) c.subscribe(pending) c.subscribe(remaining) print('mqtt connected') return c def main(server="", connect_print=True): global mqtt_last_ping, mqtt_keepalive, done while not done: c = connect(server, connect_print) c.check_msg() try: while not done: # Workaround: The MQTT lib does not send ping messages current_time = time() if current_time > mqtt_last_ping + c.keepalive: mqtt_last_ping = current_time c.check_msg() sleep(1) c.disconnect() except OSError: print('Disconnected...') # Restart... pass def go_home(pushed): global done if pushed: done = True def run(): global done inited_once = False while not done: try: wifi.connect() except: wifi.init() if not inited_once: ugfx.init() ugfx.input_init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(10,10,"Waiting for wifi...","Roboto_Regular12", 0) ugfx.flush() try: wifi.wait() except: while not wifi.sta_if.isconnected() and not done: sleep(0.1) if not inited_once: ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, go_home) connect_print = not inited_once inited_once = True try: main(connect_print=connect_print) except: print("Crash loop") # The MQTT library is buggy when the WiFi connection is unstable pass