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Wifi RSSI Monitor
MCH2022 badge?
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import ugfx, network, badge, time import random from . import ch_ssid # By default, this gets updated by the "main" part at bottom of scripta target_ssid = "SHA2017-insecure" rssis = [] best = -127 worst = 127 total = 0 total_samples = 0 # Some layout dimensions LINE_Y=127-12 LINE_X=24 def init_display(): ugfx.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) # cycle all pixels to try and cut ghosting ugfx.flush() ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() ugfx.line(0,LINE_Y,298,LINE_Y,ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.line(LINE_X, 0, LINE_X, LINE_Y, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.string(0, LINE_Y, "SSID: %s" % target_ssid, "", ugfx.BLACK) for y in range(10, LINE_Y, 10): if y % 20 == 0: from_x = LINE_X-4 to_x = LINE_X ugfx.string(0, y - 6, "-%d" % y, "", ugfx.BLACK) else: from_x = LINE_X - 3 to_x = LINE_X - 1 ugfx.line(from_x, y, LINE_X, y, 127) ugfx.flush() def rssi_sample(sta_if): scanResults = sta_if.scan() print("@ %d, %d access points" % (time.time(), len(scanResults))) for result in [ s for s in scanResults if s[0].decode() == target_ssid ]: rssi = result[3] print("Measured RSSI %s" % rssi) show_sample(rssi) break random_value = -60 def test_random_sample(): # version of rssi_sample that doesn't require waiting for a WiFi scan global random_value random_value = random_value + random.randint(-5, 5) random_value = min(random_value, 0) random_value = max(-192, random_value) rssi = random_value if rssi < -127: rssi = None show_sample(rssi) def show_sample(rssi): global total_samples, total, best, worst, avg show_rssi_on_leds(rssi) rssis.append(rssi) if rssi is not None: # write the status line total_samples += 1 total += rssi best = max(best, rssi) worst = min(worst, rssi) avg = total // total_samples status_line = "Best: %d, Worst: %d, Mean: %d" % (best, worst, avg) ugfx.area(129, LINE_Y + 1, 256, 128, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(130, LINE_Y, status_line, "", ugfx.BLACK) # every 100 samples, perform a full refresh of the graph area to avoid ghosting if total_samples > 0 and total_samples % 100 == 0: ugfx.area(LINE_X+1, 0, 298, LINE_Y, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() ugfx.area(LINE_X+1, 0, 298, LINE_Y, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() # draw the graph draw_rssi_graph(rssis, ugfx.BLACK) # put the raw RSSI reading in the top right ugfx.area(240, 2, 298, 24, ugfx.BLACK) if rssi is None: msg = "???" else: msg = "%d" % rssi ugfx.string(242, 2, msg, "Roboto_Black22", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.flush() # clear the old parts of the graph, in preparation for the next time we flush to draw it draw_rssi_graph(rssis, ugfx.WHITE) def draw_rssi_graph(rssis, colour): while len(rssis) > 298 - LINE_X - 1: rssis.pop(0) for i in range(len(rssis)): rssi = rssis[i] if rssi is not None: # leave a blank gap in the graph if the rssi is "none" pos_y = 0 - rssis[i] # assume negative for now? pos_y = min(pos_y, LINE_Y) # don't overwrite the bottom part of the graph ugfx.pixel(i + LINE_X + 1, pos_y, colour) # make the graph thicker vertically so it's easier to see if pos_y < LINE_Y - 1: ugfx.pixel(i + LINE_X + 1, pos_y + 1, colour) if pos_y > 0: ugfx.pixel(i + LINE_X + 1, pos_y - 1, colour) class LED(object): def __init__(self, r,g,b): self.r =r self.g = g self.b = b def to_list(self): return [self.g, self.r, self.b, 0] def map(value, from_low, from_high, to_low, to_high): result = (value - from_low) * (to_high - to_low) // (from_high - from_low) + to_low; return max(to_low, min(result, to_high)) def show_rssi_on_leds(rssi): off = LED(0,0,0) if rssi is None: # turn all LEDs off if there's no SSID color = off rssi = -127 elif rssi < -90: # dim red color = LED(10, 0 , 0) elif rssi < -80: # bright red color = LED(80, 0, 0) elif rssi < -70: # orange color = LED(10, 8, 0) elif rssi < -50: # dim green color = LED(0, 10, 0) else: # bright green color = LED(0, 40, 0) led_values = [] # LEDs go right to left, but we want left to right num_leds = map(rssi, -80, -50, 1, 6) for i in range(num_leds, 6): led_values += off.to_list() for i in range(num_leds): led_values += color.to_list() print(led_values) badge.leds_send_data(bytes(led_values)) def run_monitor(ssid, sta_if): global target_ssid target_ssid = ssid print("Monitoring %s..." % ssid) # this doesn't work, because right now run_monitor never exits ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_START, exit_app) sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) badge.leds_init() init_display() while True: #test_random_sample() rssi_sample(sta_if) def exit_app(pushed): if pushed: ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.string(100,50,'Restarting!','Roboto_Regular18',ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.flush() badge.eink_busy_wait() deepsleep.start_sleeping(1) print("Starting...") ch_ssid.chooseSSID("Select SSID to track", run_monitor)