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MCH2022 badge?
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# File: # Version: 6 # Description: Homescreen for SHA2017 badge # License: MIT # Authors: Renze Nicolai <> # Thomas Roos <?> import ugfx, time, badge, machine, gc import appglue, virtualtimers import easydraw, easywifi, easyrtc import tasks.powermanagement as pm import tasks.otacheck as otac import tasks.resourcescheck as resc import tasks.sponsorscheck as spoc import as services import tasks.badgeeventreminder as ber # Graphics def draw(mode, goingToSleep=False): if mode: # We flush the buffer and wait ugfx.flush(ugfx.LUT_FULL) badge.eink_busy_wait() else: # We prepare the screen refresh ugfx.clear(ugfx.WHITE) if goingToSleep: info1 = 'Sleeping...' info2 = 'Press any key to wake up' else: info1 = 'Press start to open the launcher' if otac.available(False): info2 = 'Press select to start OTA update' else: info2 = '' def disp_string_right(y, s): l = ugfx.get_string_width(s,"Roboto_Regular12") ugfx.string(296-l, y, s, "Roboto_Regular12",ugfx.BLACK) disp_string_right(0, info1) disp_string_right(12, info2) if badge.safe_mode(): disp_string_right(92, "Safe Mode - services disabled") disp_string_right(104, "Sleep disabled - will drain battery quickly") disp_string_right(116, "Press Reset button to exit") easydraw.nickname() vUsb = badge.usb_volt_sense() vBatt = badge.battery_volt_sense() vBatt += vDrop charging = badge.battery_charge_status() easydraw.battery(vUsb, vBatt, charging) if vBatt>500: ugfx.string(52, 0, str(round(vBatt/1000, 1)) + 'v','Roboto_Regular12',ugfx.BLACK) # About def splash_about_countdown_reset(): global splashAboutCountdown splashAboutCountdown = badge.nvs_get_u8('splash', 'about.amount', 10) def splash_about_countdown_trigger(): global splashAboutCountdown try: splashAboutCountdown except: splash_about_countdown_reset() splashAboutCountdown -= 1 if splashAboutCountdown<0: appglue.start_app('magic', False) else: print("[SPLASH] Magic in "+str(splashAboutCountdown)+"...") # Button input def splash_input_start(pressed): # Pressing start always starts the launcher if pressed: badge.vibrator_activate(0xFF) appglue.start_app("launcher", False) def splash_input_a(pressed): if pressed: splash_about_countdown_trigger() pm.feed() def splash_input_select(pressed): if pressed: if otac.available(False): appglue.start_ota() pm.feed() def splash_input_other(pressed): if pressed: pm.feed() def splash_input_init(): print("[SPLASH] Inputs attached") ugfx.input_init() ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_START, splash_input_start) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_A, splash_input_a) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_B, splash_input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.BTN_SELECT, splash_input_select) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_UP, splash_input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_DOWN, splash_input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_LEFT, splash_input_other) ugfx.input_attach(ugfx.JOY_RIGHT, splash_input_other) # Power management def onSleep(idleTime): draw(False, True) services.force_draw(True) draw(True, True) ### PROGRAM # Calibrate battery voltage drop if badge.battery_charge_status() == False and badge.usb_volt_sense() > 4500 and badge.battery_volt_sense() > 2500: badge.nvs_set_u16('splash', 'bat.volt.drop', 5200 - badge.battery_volt_sense()) # mV print('Set vDrop to: ' + str(4200 - badge.battery_volt_sense())) vDrop = badge.nvs_get_u16('splash', 'bat.volt.drop', 1000) - 1000 # mV splash_input_init() splash_about_countdown_reset() setupState = badge.nvs_get_u8('badge', 'setup.state', 0) if setupState == 0: #First boot print("[SPLASH] First boot (start setup)...") appglue.start_app("setup") elif setupState == 1: # Second boot: Show sponsors print("[SPLASH] Second boot (show sponsors)...") badge.nvs_set_u8('badge', 'setup.state', 2) elif setupState == 2: # Third boot: force OTA check print("[SPLASH] Third boot (force ota check)...") badge.nvs_set_u8('badge', 'setup.state', 3) if not easywifi.failure(): otac.available(True) else: # Normal boot print("[SPLASH] Normal boot... ("+str(machine.reset_cause())+")") if (machine.reset_cause() != machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET): print("... from reset: checking for ota update") if not easywifi.failure(): otac.available(True) # RTC === if time.time() < 1482192000: easyrtc.configure() # ======= if not easywifi.failure(): resc.check() # Check resources if not easywifi.failure(): # Check sponsors if not badge.safe_mode(): services.setup(draw) # Start services draw(False) services.force_draw() draw(True) easywifi.disable() gc.collect() virtualtimers.debug(True) virtualtimers.activate(25) pm.callback(onSleep) pm.feed() ber.enable() print("----") print("WARNING: POWER MANAGEMENT ACTIVE") print("To use shell type 'import shell' within 5 seconds.") print("----")