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""" WORKAH0L1C helps you to communicate your engagement & professionalism by sending good vibrations of hard work to your desktop pointer device repeatedly, to keep things (i.e. online activity status indicators) green. THIS CODE BORROWED SOME LINES OF CODE FROM APPS CREATING SOUND WITH VIBRATIONS. FEEL FREE TO UNDERLINE YOUR WORKAHOL1C LIFE ON CORPORATE WORKER SURVEILLANCE APPLIANCES (CWSA) LIKE e.g. SLACK, TEAMS, SKYPE, ZOOM, etc. BY SIMULATING POINTER DEVICE MOVEMENTS IN AN UNPREDICTABLE MANNER TO AVOID SCREENSAVERS & CWSA TO SEND THE WRONG MESSAGE TO YOUR COMPANY's BOSS. BUT KEEP IN MIND, THIS IS JUST A SILLY APP NO SOLUTION. CODE IS FOUND ON: """ import buttons import display import leds import utime import vibra # CONSTS black = [0, 0, 0] yellow = [255, 255, 0] red = [255, 0, 50] blue = [0, 80, 255] violet = [128, 0, 255] green = [0, 255, 50] orange = [255, 155, 0] white = [255, 255, 255] lightgray = [150, 150, 150] # SETUP STUFF disp = workmode_sleeptimes = ( 300, 180, 60, 30, 15, 5 ) workmode = 0 workmode_sleep_time = workmode_sleeptimes[ workmode ] time_last_worked = utime.monotonic() - (workmode_sleep_time-1) def do_some_hard_work(): global workmode, workmode_sleep_time, time_last_worked vibra_count = 0 vib_duration = 150 pause_duration = 400 while vibra_count < 6: if ( vibra_count % 2 ) == 0: vibra.vibrate( vib_duration ) # FLASH ORANGE ROCKET FOR EACH VIBRATION leds.flash_rocket( 1, 31, vib_duration ) else: utime.sleep_ms( pause_duration ) vibra_count += 1 time_last_worked = utime.monotonic() # MAIN button_pressed_recent = 0 waituntil = utime.monotonic_ms() waitdisplayrefresh = utime.monotonic_ms() elapsedseconds = 0 timebuttonpressed = utime.monotonic() workmode_titles = ( 'SLOTH', 'GROUNDHOG', 'TURTLE','RABBIT','OCTOPUS','SQUIRREL' ) workmode_names = ( ' 300 SECS ', ' 180 SECS ', ' 60 SECS ',' 30 SECS ',' 15 SECS ',' 5 SECS ' ) workmode_colors = ( green, yellow, orange, red, blue, violet ) while True: # CHECK BUTTON AFTER 200ms UNPRELL if waituntil < utime.monotonic_ms(): button_pressed_now = button_pressed = ~button_pressed_recent & button_pressed_now button_pressed_recent = button_pressed_now if button_pressed: # FLASH GREEN ROCKET ON ANY BUTTON PRESSED leds.flash_rocket( 2, 31, 100 ) timebuttonpressed = utime.monotonic() if button_pressed & buttons.TOP_RIGHT: workmode += 1 waituntil = utime.monotonic_ms()+200 if workmode > 5: workmode = 0 workmode_sleep_time = workmode_sleeptimes[ workmode ] seconds_since_lastpress = utime.monotonic() - timebuttonpressed if seconds_since_lastpress <= 30: # NORMAL BACKLIGHT disp.backlight( 80 ) elif seconds_since_lastpress > 30 and seconds_since_lastpress <= 60: # LOWEST BACKLIGHT disp.backlight( 1 ) else: # BACKLIGHT COMPLETELY OFF disp.backlight( 0 ) # FLASH BLUE ROCKET EVERY SECOND seconds_since_work = utime.monotonic() - time_last_worked if elapsedseconds < seconds_since_work: elapsedseconds = seconds_since_work leds.flash_rocket( 0, 31, 20 ) if time_last_worked + workmode_sleep_time <= utime.monotonic(): elapsedseconds = 0 do_some_hard_work() workmode_name = str( workmode_names[ workmode ] ) workmode_title = str( workmode_titles[ workmode ] ) workmode_color = workmode_colors[ workmode ] # DISPLAY REFRESH MAX ALL 200 ms, MORE IS OVERKILL if waitdisplayrefresh < utime.monotonic_ms()+200 and seconds_since_lastpress <= 60: disp.clear( col = black ) disp.print( workmode_title, fg=lightgray, bg=black, posx=80 - round(len( workmode_title) / 2 * 14), posy=5) disp.print( "WORKAHOL1C", fg=white, bg=black, posx=80 - round(len( "WORKAH0L1C" ) / 2 * 14), posy=28) disp.print( workmode_name, fg=black, bg=workmode_color, posx=80 - round(len( workmode_name ) / 2 * 14), posy=54) disp.update() utime.sleep_ms( 50 ) """ Sure this is a silly approach, but it was fun to code. You can find nice solutions with other approaches here: - Basic UNIX way of having workaholic fun: - PicoPI: - KeepPresence: (all platforms running Python) - Drinking Typing Bird: [1] [2] - $addYourFavouriteCWSAdefeatingDevice """